

时间:2023-06-08 03:19:12 文/张东东 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


Passage Two


A. A basket.

B. A cup.

C. An egg.

D. An oven.


A. To let in the sunshine.

B. To serve as its door.

C. To keep the nest cool.

D. For the bird to lay eggs.


A. Branches.

B. Grasses.

C. Mud.

D. Straw.


A. Some are built underground.

B. Some can be eaten.

C. Most are sewed with grasses.

D. Most are dried by the sun.





1.when did the alarm(闹钟)ring?

a.at 5 o’clock.b.at 7 o’clock.c.at 8 o’clock.

2. what do we lean from the conversation?

a.henry doesn’t like the color.

b. someone else painted the house.

c.henry painted the house himself.

3.where is the man working?

a.in a beer shop.b. in a bus station. c. in a restaurant.

4.what does the woman mean?

a.they don’t have many tickets.

b.it is bard for them to get any tickets.

c.all the tickets are sold out.

5.how will the couple get home?

a.they will walk home.

b.they will take a taxi.

c.they will take the subway(地铁).




6.who is mr. jones going to meet?

a.the manager of the clothing factory.

b. the managing director(常务董事).

c.the secretary.

7.where is the office mr.jones would like to get to?

a.the second door on the right.

b.the first door on the left.

c.the second door on the left.


8. what will the three-week special include?

a.hotel,food and travel in japan.

b.a free round trip flight ticket.

c.flight,hotel,and two meals a day.

9,which one do you think the man choose at last?

a.the one which is$1,215.

b.the one which is$1,400.

c. not mentioned.


10.what is the woman’s favourite hobby?

a. bowling(保龄球).b. collecting coins. c. boating.

11.what countries has the woman been to?

a. canada and china.. b.mexico and america. c.japan and canada.

12,why down’t the man have a hobby?

a.because he is s too lazy.

b. because he has to work outside in the garden.

c.because his work takes up too much of his spare time.


13.what are the two speakers talking about?

a.indoor games. b.outdoor games. c. sports and games.

14.what kind of outdoor game does the man both like watching and playing?

a.tennis.b.baseball. c.basketball.

15.why does the woman prefer the outdoor games?

a.because they are exciting.

b.because they are not team games.

c.because she likes to be out in the open air.

16.what indoor game does the man never play?

a. badminton. b. ping-pong. c. cards.


17.how do nancy and harry feel without their children?

a.frightened. b. nice. c. worried.

18.what do nancy and harry do after they do the dishes?

a. watch tv. b. play cards. c. either a or b.

19. why do they drive to town sometimes?

a.to see a film. b.to take a walk. c.to visit friends.

20.how far is the state park from their house?

a.one mile.b.half a mile. c.a few miles.


how do nancy and harry feel without their children?

they feel little 17 ,but it’s 18 .

why do they drive to town sometimes?

to 19 .

how far is the state park from their house?


(Text 1)

W: Hello, is that Mr. Robinson?

M: Yes, who is that, please?

W: This is Saint Mary's Hospital in London.

M: Oh, dear. What is it?

W: I am afraid your son has been injured in an accident. Would you come to the hospital as soon as possible?

M: I'll be there without delay.

(Text 2)

M: Is this room to be rented? How much is the rent?

W: Yes, it's $40 a week. For students $25 a week.

(Text 3)

M: How much are the cups?

W: Two dollars each, but 9.40 a dozen.

M: Then I'll take 12. Here's a 10 dollar note.

W: Do you need anything else, sir?

M: No! Thank you.

(Text 4)

W: Good morning, Dr. Brown.

M: Hello, Mrs. Smith. Who's your visitor?

W: Oh, this is my daughter, Kate. She's a writer and her husband is a teacher.

(Text 5)

M: Excuse me. Do you know where the Browns live?

W: Yes, it's the third house on the right.

M: Thank you.

W: You're welcome.

(Text 6)

W: Excuse me. Could you help me?

M: Certainly. What can I do for you?

W: We're looking for a girl's ski jacket. I like this style. Do you have it in size 10?

M: Let me see...Size 4, 6, 8...Here we are. Size 10.

W: Oh. I don't really like yellow. What other colors does it come in?

M: It comes in red, pink, light blue, and black.

W: The pink is nice. How much is it? ....

M: It's $160.

W: Oh, well. it's a bit too dear. We'll have to think about it.

(Text 7)

W: 4373811.

M: Hello. Is that Jean?

W: Yes, speaking.

M: There's a really good film on at the cinema this week. It's called Sounds Forever. Would you like to come and see it with me on Wednesday evening?

W: No, I'm afraid I can't. I'm going to play in a concert at London University on Wednesday.

M: What about Friday then?

W: Great. What time does it start?

M: Seven o'clock. Would you like to go for a drink first?

W: Yes, fine. Is six o'clock OK? We can meet outside the cinema.

M: OK, fine. See you on Friday then. Bye.

(Text 8)

M: Are you ready for the trip to "The Big Apple"?

W: "The Big Apple"? What are you talking about?

M: "The Big Apple" is the nickname for New York City. You are going to New York with us, aren't you?

W: Yes, I'm going. I'm especially looking forward to seeing a special show on modem American painters there. But tell me, where did the nickname come from?

M: Some musicians of the 20's gave it the name. When they played a concert in New York, the musicians called it "The Big Apple".

W: Amazing! New York is such an interesting place and it even has an interesting nickname.

(Text 9)

M: Mary, tomorrow is your Mom's fiftieth birthday. Do you know?

W: Of course I do. How shall we celebrate it?

M: First of all, a birthday present. What about buying her a beautiful skirt?

W: That's a good idea. It would make her look younger. And a big birthday cake too, with fifty candles.

M: That's right. Shall we have a special dinner?

W: How about a Chinese dinner?

M: Fine. Where should we have it?

W: We can have it at home. I've learned to cook a few dishes from a Chinese friend. I'm sure Mom would like them.

M: All right. Are you going to do the shopping as well?

W: Why don't we go together, Dad?

M: OK. When?

W: How about this afternoon?

M: OK.


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