

时间:2023-06-14 11:16:20 文/刘莉莉 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com




1. _________morning

2. come__________

3. put___________

4. sit____________

5. stand___________


1. A.brother   B.sister   C.my

2. A.book   B.mom   C.eraser

3. A.lion   B.elephant   C.pencil

4. A.this   B.that   C.father

5. A.he   B.kangaroo   C.she


1. Jack: Nice to meet you, Lisa. Lisa: ________________.

A. Good morning.   B. Good bye, Jack.   C. Nice to meet you, too.

2. Jack: How are you, Peter? Peter: _________________.

A. Nice to meet you.   B. nice to meet you, too.   C. I’m fine, thank you.

3. Xiaolan: ________________ Tutu: Morning, Xiaolan.

A. Good bye, Tutu.   B. Good morning, Tutu.   C. Good afternoon, Tutu.

4. Jack: What’s your name? Lisa: ___________________.

A. I’m Peter.   B. My name is Lisa.   C. Hello, Jack.

5. Tutu: ___________________. Lisa: Goodbye!

A. See you.   B. Good morning.   C. Nice to meet you.



A. Is that your bike?   B. Is this your bike?   C. Is that a bike?


A. What’s your sister?   B. What’s your name?   C. What’s your sister’s name?


Tutu: _________________ Jack: I’m fine, and you? Tutu: _________________.

A. How are you? / I’m fine.   B. How are you? / I’m fine, too. Thank you.   C. Nice to meet you. / Nice to meet you, too.

4. 第一次见面的朋友,打招呼通常会说:

A. Good night.   B. Nice to meet you.   C. I’m student.


A. Come on, Peter.  B. Come here, Peter.   C. Peter, good morning.


1. are How you ? ____________________________________________

2. This my friend is . ____________________________________________

3. this Is your pencil ? ________________________________________

4. down Put picture the . _________________________________________

5. too to you meet Nice . _______________________________________




1.We are making ___________ for mum and dad.

2. Can Daming __________fast?

3. In England people use a _________ and ____________.

4. Look! That ________ is Lingling’s mother.


1. ( )Amy is _____ the flute.   A. playing   B. play   C.plays

2. ( ) It’s hard ______ Chinese people.   A.of   B.on   C.for

3. ( ) That is ______ shirt.   A. Amy   B. Amy’s   C. Amys

4. ( ) --You are a clever boy. ---_________   A. No.   B. Thank you.   C. Yes.

5. ( )Can I have _________ ice cream?   A.an   B.a   C. the

6. ( ) Go and make a cake _________.   A. in   B. instead   C. stead.

7. ( )There are two__________.   A. mans   B. man   C. men

8. ( ) Amy is going to ________.   A. do high   B. do jump   C. do high jump

9. ( ) This fish can ___________.  A. swim   B swimming   C swims

10. ( ) __________you sad?   A. Is   B. Are   C. Am


1.( ) What are those?   A. There are 10.

2.( ) Have you got a teddy bear?   B.No, I can’t.

3.( ) Can you jump far?   C. They are cars.

4.( ) Has Sara got a cough ,too?   D. Yes, she has.

5.( ) How many people are there?   E. No, I’m not.

6.( ) What are you going to be ?   F. I’m fine.

7.( ) Are you going to go to Hong Kong?   G. I’m going to be a teacher.

8.( ) How are you ? H. No, I haven’t.

五、阅读选择正确答案 。

My name is Frank. I’m eight years old. This is my family. There is one boy. That’s me. There is one girl. She’s my sister. There is a man and a woman. They are my dad and my mum. We’re going to the cinema. We’re going to see a film.

1.( ) How old is Frank.

A. 7  B. 8   C. 9

2.( ) How many people are there in Frank’s family?

A. Three   B. Four   C. Five.

3.( ) Are there two boys in Frank’s family?

A. Yes.   B. No.   C. I don’t know.

4.( ) Are there two women in Frank’s family?

A. Yes.   B. No  . C. I don’t know.

5.( ) What are they going to do?

A. They’re going to visit the zoo.   B.They’re going to the cinema.   C.They’re going to the shop.



( )1. Db ( ) 2. Li

( )3. Bb ( )4. Yx

( )5. Ra ( )6.Gj

( )7. Qq ( )8. Ff

( )9. Zz ( )10. Mm


( ) 1. A: Look at my jacket. B: It’s_______.

A. Thank you. B. nice. C. please

( ) 2.This pie is for you

A. Thank you. B. It’s nice. C. Yes, I am.

( ) 3.A:What’s this ? B: It’s an ______ car.

A. orange B. blue C. white

( ) 4.What about a hot dog ?

A. No, please B. It’s white C. Yes, please

( ) 5.Are you Liu Tao ?

A. Yes, I am B. No, I’m not C. Yes, I’m not

( ) 6.________.Birthday!

A. Happy B. happy C. How

( )7. 当你想祝别人新年快乐时,你可以说:

A. Happy Birthday! B. Happy New Year! C. Good morning

( )8. 当别人送你一个礼物,你可以说:

A. Goodbye B. Yes, please C. Thank you

( )9. 王兵想把自己介绍给杨玲,可以说:

A. I’m Yang Ling. B. This is Wang Bing. C. I’m Wang Bing.

( )10. 你跟杨玲道别,你可以说:

A. Good morning. B. Goodbye. C. Hello


Ⅰ               Ⅱ

( ) 1. What’s this?   A. It’s a pie.

( ) 2. Would you like an egg?   B. Good afternoon

( ) 3. Are you Liu Tao?   C. Yes, please.

( ) 4. What colour is the apple?   D. No, I’m not. I’m Su Hai.

( ) 5. Good afternoon   E. It’s red.


1. Mike are you

_______ _______ ________ ?

2. my colour what now is skirt

________ ________ ________ ______ _______ ________ ?

3. meet to you nice

________ ________ ________ ______.

4. for cake you this is

_______ ________ ________ _______ ________

5. sister is my this

________ ________ ________ ______.


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