

时间:2023-06-15 18:08:11 文/孙小飞 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com



1、We put the address on _____ right.


2、What is ____ envelope?

A. aB.anC ./

3、---What are you doing?---- Iam _____ a letter.

A.sendingB. writingC.Both A and B

4、live with ____ mother and father.

A.weB.usC. our

5、_____ you have a nice trip to Beijing?

A.DoB.AreC. Did

6.I want my mother sto buy a new bike ____ me.

A. toB.forC. by

7.I ____ chopsticks for my mother.

A.thoughtB. boughtC. caught

8.We can take a picture _______ Jenny’s camera.

A. inB. withC. use

9.This is a picture _____ Jenny.

A. forB. ofC. Both A and B

10. Orange is my favourite _______ .

A. fruitB. colourC. food

11. I often ____ to school.

A. am walkingB. walkedC. walk

12. I want to buy a gift ___ you .

A. forB. toC. beside

13.What _____ you do yesterday?

A. doB wasC. did

14. Danny fell down and ____ his tail.

A. breakB. brokeC. did

15. Can you ____ a kite.

A makeB. flyingC. made

16. Tian’anmen Square is _____,

A. famousB .wonderfulC. bothA andB

17. The shirt is ______ small for me.

A. tooB. toC. two

18. This picture is for ______ .

A. IB. myC. me

19. Jenny likes ____ shopping.

A. goingB. goesC . to go

20.What _____ I doing ?

A . isB. doC. am

21. We bought gifts _____ you .

A. toB. forC. with

22. Green is my favourite ______ .

A. fruitB. foodC. colour

23. This sweater is too small ____ me.

A. forB. toC. with

24. Let’s put the picture ____ my desk.

A. in the front ofB. aboveC. down

25. _____ are Jenny ‘s and Danny’s pictures.

A. ThisB. ThatC. Those

26. Let’s take a picture______ Jenny’s camera.

A. inB. withC . use

27. I often _____ to school .

A. workB. talkC. walk

28. Danny _____ an e-mail to his friend.

A. writeB. wroteC. write

29. I want to buy _____ postcards.

A. someB. anyC. much

30. A postcardhas a picture ____ it.

A. inB. ofC. on

31. We write on _____ on a postcard.

A. leftB. a leftC. the left

32. Now, I _____ the letter in the box.

A. putB. to putC. am putting

33. She ____ a stamp for his letter

A. needB. needsC. to need.

34. Webuy stamps ______ .

A. at the post officeB. in a bicycle shopC. in a restaurant

35. Where _____ the traffic lights?

A isB. areC. have

36. I am sending these postcards ____ Canada.

A. inB. onC. to

37. _____ she need a computer.

A. DoB. DoesC. Is

38. ______ is your address?

A. WhatB. WhereC. How

39. Danny wants ____ a postcard to his mother.

A. to sendB. sendingC. sends

40.We write the address on ____ right of the postcard.

A. /B. theC. a

41. --- What are you doing?----- I ____ postcards.

A. writeB. writesC. am writing

42. ------ _____ postcards do you need? ---- Six.

A. HowB. How manyC. How much



1. dr__m 鼓

2.t_lent show新秀选拔赛

3._and 乐队

4.parti_ _ pate参加

5. int_resting有趣的

6._dea 主意

7. s_ddenly 突然地

8. pa_nter画家

9. best sing_r的歌手





3. take(现分)


5. right(反义)


7. dance(名词)

8. I(反身代词)

9. give(单三)





1.You good at playing the guitar.

A .is B . be C. are

2.The talent show is soon.

A. comes B. coming C.come

3.I want to do something

A interesting B.interests C .interest

4.I don't want to participate the show by myself.

A.on B.inC.by

5.How about a band?

A. making B.make C to make.

6.Who's the singer?

A. good B. better C.best.

7.I don't want to do it by .

A. me B. myself C.my

8.Why you play the violin?

A.don't B doesn't C not

9.That like fun.

A sound B. sounds C.sounding.

10.You are a good

A.cooker B.cook C. cooking.


一、 找出下列不同类的一项,填写在括号里。

( )1、A、drinking   B、eating   C、shopping   D、hot

( )2、A、warm   B、cool   C、swim   D、cold

( )3、A、stop   B、right   C、left   D、down

( )4、A、fly   B、class   C、sleep   D、cook

( )5、A、he   B、she   C、me   D、I

二、 根据所给单词的适当形式填空。

1、 My grandma usually________(cook).

2、 Today my mother is_________(go) shopping.

3、 Now we are__________(help) Uncle Wang.

4、 What do you usually_________(do) on Sundays?

5、 Today he isn’t__________(play) football.

三、 根据答语选问句,抄写在横线上。


I like swimming.


It’s over there.


I live in Apple Street.


She is singing a song.


I usually ride my bike.

A、What do you usually do on Sundays?

B、What’s Amy doing now?

C、Where do you live?

D、Excuse me, where is the toilet?

E、What do you like doing in summer?


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