

时间:2023-06-12 02:44:59 文/阿林 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com




〔 〕⒈ black come cinema chair

〔 〕⒉ moon who open woman

〔 〕⒊ art what garden apple

〔 〕⒋ us but you music

〔 〕⒌ milk five like in

〔 〕⒍ teach tea learn dress

〔 〕⒎ laugh uncle aunt house

〔 〕⒏ doctor paper work horse

〔 〕⒐ clean sleep behind help

〔 〕⒑ dance day rabbit art

〔 〕⒒ mother thirty kitchen this

〔 〕⒓ nurse snake nose those

〔 〕⒔ close who look phone


⑴〔 〕⒈close go 〔 〕⒌chair hair

〔 〕⒉room book 〔 〕⒍girl first

〔 〕⒊come dance 〔 〕⒎forget egg

〔 〕⒋father bathroom 〔 〕⒏woman man

⑵〔 〕⒈pot stove 〔 〕⒉matches blanket

〔 〕⒊ pillow show 〔 〕⒋telecope does

〔 〕⒌ tin site 〔 〕⒍their thing

〔 〕⒎look book 〔 〕⒏fine fridge

〔 〕⒐have hill 〔 〕⒑great bread


一,Listen and choose(选出你所听到的单词,将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里

( )1,A play B plane C plant

( )2,A fine B five C fight

( )3,A day B date C Kate

( )4,A park B part C pork

( )5,A watch B wash C what

( )6,A cook B book C look

( )7,A boat B coat C goat

( )8,A swim B swing C sleep

( )9,A ride B right C like

( )10,A east Beat C easy

( )11,A far B farm C farmer

( )12,A cloud B cloudy C close

( )13,A artist B actress C actor

( )14,A ball B board C blackboard

( )15,A door B doll C dog

( )16,A stop B shop C store

( )17,A make B cake C may

( )18,A buy B bike C kite

( )19,A foot B food C fruit

( )20,A big B pig C dig

( )21,A train B tree C take

( ) 22,A work B walk C worker

( )23,A third B first C bird

( ) 24,A shirt B skirt C short

( )25,A read B ride C write

( )26,A tall B taller C mall

( )27,A old B older C gold

( )28,A young B younger C your


1.What's your favourite fruit?

2.How heavy is he?

3.What are you going to do tomorrow?

4.What did you do yesterday?

5.Where does your brother work?

6.Which bag do you like?

7.How tall is your father?

8.What are you going to do next weekend?

9.Where were you yesterday evening?

10.Who is your math teacher?

11.How can I get to the zoo?

12.What does your sister do?

13.How tall are you?

14.What's the matter with you?

15.What did you do yesterday?

16.How did you go to the hospital yesterday?

17.What's your favourite season?

18.How heavy are you?

19.What's your hobby?

20.Where did you go last Monday?

21.Where is the zoo?

22.What's the weather like in spring?

23.How tall are you?

24.What's your hobby?

25.What do you usually do on the weekend?

26.What's your favourite fruit?

27.How heavy are you?

28.What are you going to be?


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