

时间:2023-06-10 02:11:00 文/刘莉莉 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


基础知识 词汇直通车 1. Sister 2.parents 3.picture 4.brothers

5. daughter 6.father 7.friend 8.son 9.Those 10. Is

句型训练场 1. Is, your 2.it is 3.These are, cousins 4. That is, grandparent

5.Is her brother Guo Peng? 6.grandparent—grandparents 7.This’s —This is 8. She’s—her

9.her—she 10. Friend—friends 11. she 12. He 13. friends 14. Is 15. Thanks

16. These, parents 17. He, friend 18. your sister 9. Thanks for 20. family photo

综合能力 单项选择 1-5 ABACD 6-10 BDBCC

完形填空 11-15 BADCA 16-20 ABDAB

阅读理解 21-25 AABDB


Dear Tom,

Thanks for the photo of your family. This is a photo of my family. This is my father. That is my mother. These are my grandparents. The girl is me.

Your friend,

Zhang Xiaohe



21. Which is the following word is ['ent?(r)] ?

A. enter B. end C. even D. east

22. Here are my shoes. ____ are under his bed.

A. Their B. Her C. Your D. His

23. There ______ an English party in our school this evening

A. has B. is going to have C. is going to be D. will have

24. ___useful work they have done!

A. What B. How C. What a D. What a

25 . Listening to music _____ me too much time. From now on I won’t ______ much time on it.

A. costs, spend B. takes, pay C. spends ,take D. takes, spend

26. Kate ______ well last night. She had a headache.

A. didn’t sleep B. doesn’t sleep C. hasn’t slept D. won’t sleep

27.That’s a good place tennis.

A. playing B. to play C. plays D. played

28. Remember the book to the library when you finish it.

A. to return, to read B. returning, reading C. to return, reading D. returning, to read

29..---Let’s go fishing if it this Sunday.

---But nobody knows if it will rain .

A. won’t rain B. rain C. doesn’t rain D. rains

30..I usually have lunch at home, but I had big lunch at that restaurant yesterday.

A./,a B.the,/ C.the,a D.the,the

31. I hope I can find for my son in the shop.

A.good something B.something good C.many thing D.good anything

32.---Excuse me,which is the way to the post office?

---Sorry,I’m new here.


A. Thank you B.Thank you all the same C.Not at all D.Bad luck

33. There are birds in the tree.

A. too much B.much too C.too many D.many too

34 .How unlucky he was! A car accident to him last week.

A. was happened B.happened C.was happening D.happen

35. Please tell me next.

A. what to do it B.how to do C.how to do it D.what do



Dear Tom,

Thank you for writing to me .I am so glad to 36 your letter.

You say you want to know something about my hometown. Well,I live in a town 37

Nanjing. It’s 30 minutes 38 bus from the centre of Nanjing to the town. My parents’ offices are in the town centre. They 39 the car to work every day. And I go to school in my father’s car ,too.

The town isn’t very large. Only about ten 40 people live here. The air is very fresh here. Many of us 41 in tall buildings.Each of these buildings usually has ten to twenty floors. Our flat is in Building 10. Behind it 42 a small garden. People 43 some flowers and trees in it. There are flowers all 44 around, from Jaunary to Demcember. And on hot 45 afternoons, I enjoy sitting under the trees and listening to music. It is cool.

36. A .see B . watch C . get D . take:

37. A .far from B .near C . in D .out of

38. A .In B .by C . on D . with

39. A .drive B .take C . ride D .run

40.A hundreds B.thousands of C. .thousand D.million

41.A.work B.study C. live D.sleep

42. A.is B .has C . are D. have.

43. A .make B .b uy C .sell D. grow.

44. A .month B .year C .week D. day

45. A .winter B .sping C . autumn D. summer


Unit 12 section A

一.A)1.has 2.are watching 3.playing 4.did 5.bought (B) 6.fight 7.outside 8.classroom

9.else 10.hall


三.1Can eat 2.Come to 3.No don’t 4.Don’t listen 5.other things

四 1. thoes rules 2.sports shoes 3.arrive late for 4.in the dining hall 5.at classroom outside


Section B

一.(A)1. on 2.to 3. from to 4.at on 5.in by at (B) 6.children 7.talking 8.any 9.her 10.speaking 二.1~5. DCABC 6~10. CDADD

三.1.Do have to 2.Don’t run 3.Can play 4.have fun 5. can’t have to

四.1.Do you usually help your mom make dinner?

2.Don’t talk loudly in the classrooms!

3.I have to go to bed by 10 o’clock.

4.Do have to go to the Children’s Palase to learn the paino?

5.Can you meet friends at night?

五.1~5.CABDA 6~10CBDCA

5.Can you meet friends at night?

五.1~5.CABDA 6~10CBDCA


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