

时间:2023-06-04 19:45:59 文/莉落 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com




1.What are the speakers going to do?

A.To hold a meeting.

B.To prepare for cooking.

C.To set a table for a meal.

2.Why will the speakers have to cancel the fair?

A.Because it keeps raining.

B.Because the gym’s being repaired.

C.Because the school-hall is full of books.

3.Where did the man get the news that the flight had been canceled?

A.At the airport.B.At the meeting.

C.At the international flat.

4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.


C.Mother and son.

5.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Paying taxes.

B.The price of cigarettes.

C.Giving up smoking.




6.What is wrong with the man?

A.He has a cough.B.He has a cold.

C.He has a headache.

7.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Brother and sister.B.Workmates.

C.Doctor and patient.

8.What will the man do next?

A.Take a medical examination.

B.Refuse the woman’s advice.

C.Arrange the business affairs.


9.How will they travel?

A.By train. B.By bus.C.By plane.

10.When should the man book the traveling in advance?

A.Four months. B.Eight months.

C.Ten months.

11.What is the purpose of the man?

A.To book a ticket.

B.To give some details.

C.To ask for information.


12.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?



13.Why is Jeanie here earlier?

A.To meet her friend.B.To have a class.

C.To go over her homework.

14.What’s Jack’s attitude toward the test?

A.He is calm.B.He worries about it.

C.He has to get an A.


15.How many places will Mr.Robertson visit in China?


16.How will Robertson go to Xi’an?

A.By plane. B.By train. C.By car.

17.Where was Robertson born?

A.Australia. B.England. C.China.


18.What is important to children according to the speaker?

A.Making mistakes.

B.Correcting their own mistakes.

C.Judging their own work.

19.What does the last sentence“Let him do it himself”really mean?

A.Let the teacher point out the mistake to the child.

B.Let the teacher make the child correct his mistakes.

C.Let the child notice and correct his own mistakes.

20.What’s the topic of the text?


B.Riding a bike.

C.How to educate children.

高中英语听力Unit10 Saying Goodbye练习

UNIT 10 Saying Goodbye

Integrated Skills Development

Passage A Beginning and an End

"I've forgotten the last time that I cried. But I really can not cheer up now," said Philip, a graduate majoring in physics at a state university.

Philip drank a lot of wine while having supper with a few friends. Being half drunk, he was speaking from the bottom of his heart.

As the end of their academic career approaches, some soon-to-be graduates become sad and drown their sorrows in alcohol.

They find a restaurant, order a few dishes and beer and settle down to chat. Though excited at the start of the evening, they gradually become depressed.

Are these graduates simply uncertain of the future, or do they feel hopeless of the future?

One student said, "By now, almost everybody has found a job. No need to consider it further. And the graduation papers are nearly finished. They just need polishing and a printing of the final draft."

A psychology professor gave a deeper explanation. "The four years at college are quite special and important to students. They study and live together in these years. From the time when they gathered as freshmen at the very beginning, everything was new, and anything was possible. Now, it is ending, and they'll go their different ways. They know nothing about their future except one thing — that what is outside campus is different from their colleges or universities."

"It is college life that teaches them to say goodbye to immaturity and makes them relatively independent little by little. They treasure this period of time when they experience happiness, sadness, love, friendship, hopes and loneliness. When faced with its end, they find it difficult to accept the reality. So they drink, and even cry."

Philip added, "Three years ago, I was still a freshman. A senior in my department told me not to waste my time. His words are still ringing in my ears now. Looking back to the past years, I've no regrets from my four years. That's enough. Unfortunately, I've spent a lot of time in vain. Now it's time for me to warn others."

David, a teacher from the university, said. "This is understandable. After all, I was once a college student myself. However, I don't think it's good to drink and chat all day and night. These students' parents are paying for their education. To eat and drink as they do is a real waste. It's also bad for their health. They should find some better ways to enjoy their last moments at college."

New Words and Expressions


V. 接受,领受,认可


n. 酒精,含有酒精的饮料


V. 闲谈,聊天


a. 抑郁的;萧条的


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