

时间:2023-06-19 18:53:35 文/刘莉莉 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  I am a girl from xx jurnor high school. I am not very tall. I have long hair, big eyes. I like reading,music,sport. i am a very sunny and nice girl. There are three members in my family, my father, my mother and I.

  My father is an engineer. He is very strict with my study, but he is a good father. He often plays tennis with me and helps me a lot in my study.

  My mother is a teacher. She takes good care of my life. I have a happy family and I love my father and my mother very much.


  Hello, my name is x x x, and I am x x years old this year.

  I am a lively and cheerful little girl. I am easy-going. I can always hear myhappy laughter after class. After class, I sometimes help students with poorgrades talk about problems, and I also help others do what I should do. I thinkI will be happy to help others! I'm a class cadre. I have a good discipline inmy class. I have strong organizational ability. Sometimes I will take myclassmates to carry out some useful activities.

  I have also done the work of the young pioneers in my class well! Myspecialty is playing the piano, dancing and calligraphy. I learned to play thepiano since I was a child. Now I play it well! I also learned to dance. I'vestudied it for xx years. I also got the certificate of dance xx in xx's artschool. My calligraphy is the best. The words I write in class are! I am what Iam! A generous and cheerful little girl!

  In the future life, I will strive to become good friends with you. I alsohope to help each other and make common progress in my future study. thankyou!


  Dear teachers, dear students! I am xx. I am xx years old and live inxx.

  The junior high school life I have been looking forward to will begin today.I really hope to get along well with your classmates and teachers and have agood study in the new age and new school. Spend a happy xx years of junior highschool life together.

  Before I came here, my primary school life was rich and colorful. In the sixyears of primary school life, I got double percent in three semesters, and I canget along well with all my classmates in school. However, there are some smallshortcomings, that is, I have too many small actions, which sometimes affectother students. In the future, I will try my best to correct them in the dayswhen I get along with you.

  I prefer literature and music. There have been articles published in theschool journal. I like to listen to leisurely music in my spare time. In the newsemester, I am willing to make common progress with the University and use ourmost valuable years to complete our studies. If we have difficulties and helpeach other, I will be the first to come forward. Please supervise me.

  That's all for my personal introduction. Thank you!


  My name is , I am xx years old. I like listen sings ,enjoy movies, browse the internet to see something interesting,andI like reading architecture books, I want to become a construction engineer.which is my dream.Though my English is poor ,I will try my best to catch up.


  Hello everyone! My name is xxx. At the age of 13, I have a round face and bigeyes, but I have single eyelids. The point is that I have a pair of ears with"magical" function. Like the big ear chart, I can "move my ears".

  My height is relatively high among the students. It's xx centimeters.

  I am gentle and kind-hearted. I don't say dirty words and rude words.Whenever some students frown, I always help them relieve their troubles. I amalso called a bosom sister by my deskmate. I am also good at making friends andhave a good relationship with my classmates.

  I love singing and dancing. This is my skill. As soon as there is an activityin the class, my singing is indispensable. My singing brought joy to thestudents. The students called me a little singer in the class.

  Usually, I like painting. I began to learn painting when I was inkindergarten and have been painting until now. no pains,no gains.

  I also like reading. Now my bookshelves are full. I like to read a book whenI have nothing to do. Sometimes I even go to the bathroom. My mother criticizedme several times for this, but I still go my own way.

  I have many shortcomings, but I just don't want to say. If you want to knowmy shortcomings, make friends with me.


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