

时间:2023-06-12 23:02:08 文/王明刚 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Good morning examiners, dear examiners.

  I'm very glad to have this opportunity to interview here today. I hope we can show you this interview.

  I'm a senior at XX University. I'm going to go to society and I'm full of expectations for the future. I believe "Well begun is half done", (a good beginning is half the success). I hope your company is the starting point for my success. I am very fortunate to work with you to create tomorrow's brilliant future.

  Today, the society is full of competitive society, and the requirements for the ability and quality of talents are getting higher and higher. Since I enrolment, I have been the branch book of the class. The busy work not only trains and exercises my ability to work, but also exercises my ability to solve the problem, so that I can analyze and think carefully when I face problems. All of these have a profound impact on my professional choice.

  The construction of socialist modernization requires a comprehensive quality of management personnel. So while I am learning professional knowledge, I mainly focus on English and computer. In English, I strengthen my ability to listen, speak, read and write. On the computer, I get in the basic knowledge and master the OFFICE. I also participated in the accounting computerization study in order to serve the inauguration business better.

  Besides, I know that after entering the workplace, we should not only play its own advantages, but also improve our quality through learning from others' experience. In order to enable myself to enter the society, I am able to work well. I actively participate in various activities organized by the school and class, and deal with the relationship between students. To actively participate in social practice, many times for some companies do propagandists and the salesman.

  These activities not only provided me with the opportunity to show myself, to exercise myself, but also to exercise some of my organizational and planning skills, to coordinate management skills, to cultivate my team spirit. In practical social practice, I formed a calm and confident character and a practical and rigorous style of work, and gave me the participation. The courage of social competition.

  If I have passed the interview and become a member of a large number of elite teams, I will continue to study hard and work hard to contribute to the development of the company. I will never fail to live up to your choice today. Thank you.


  Respected leaders:

  I sincerely recommend yourself! My name is Chen XX, a junior college student who is about to graduate from the primary education major of XXX college in XX province. I have a sincere heart and persistent pursuit of my career. I sincerely recommend yourself to you.

  Integrity and hard work are my principles of being a human being; being calm and calm is my attitude; hobbies are widely used to enrich me; a lot of friends make me feel rich! My strong sense of career and responsibility makes me face any difficulties and challenges.

  As a graduating student, my lack of experience may make you indecisive, but please believe that my efforts and efforts will make up for this temporary shortage, maybe I am not the best, but I definitely do the best. I believe that the heart will win the wonderful!


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