

时间:2023-06-12 18:12:09 文/秦风学 文学北考网www.beiweimall.com


  摘 要

  张爱玲是210世纪410年代中国现代文学史上伟大的女性作家,现代情怀与传统观念:论张爱玲矛盾的人格魅力 - 毕业论文。她常常被人们称为传奇的作家,同时也是1位传奇的女性,而这传奇大抵同她的人生以及她所完成的作品有关。我认为这种魅力就来自张爱玲构筑的1个双重世界。这个双重世界的1方面是现代情怀,包括现代的生活方式、现代的女性意识、现代的`书写方式;而另1方面则是传统观念,包括传统的爱情与婚姻观念;传统的男权中心;以及传统的书写对象。而产生这种现象的原因首先在于在上海旧式贵族家庭的成长经历,使她受到了传统文化的深层熏陶;而在香港接受的西方现代思想的教育又成就了她的现代情怀,以至于她终究成为了1个既具有传统观念又有现代情怀的矛盾的共同体。构造了1个属于她的双重世界。本文在前人研究的基础上试图总结前人经验从张爱玲身上深厚的文化底蕴和传承中指认出其文化理性精神和人格力量,语文论文《现代情怀与传统观念:论张爱玲矛盾的人格魅力 - 毕业论文》。力避只单方面从现代性或传统性方面进行张爱玲研究。而力图向大家展现1个完整的双重世界。


  Zhang’Ailing is a great female writer in the Chinese history of the contempenrary literary in the 1940s. She always considered as a legendary writer, and a legendary female figure,relates her legend to her life and works. In my opinion,her charm results from the dual world that she builds up. One fact of this world is modern feelings, including modern lifestyles, modern female thoughts, modern writing methods; the other fact is traditional ideas, it contains traditional ideas of love and marriage, traditional man privilege centres, as well as traditional writing objects. The first reason of this phenomenon is that brought up in a traditional Old Shanghai family that made her respect traditional ideas, then educated by western modern feelings in HongKong,she turns out to be a contradictory community of traditional ideas and modern feelings,finally forming a dual world belonging to her. This compositon is on the basis of this study to summarize the experience from the composition whose story was profound cultural and identify their cultural heritage refers rational spirit and personality. Refrain from unilaterally from the modern or traditional aspects of novel research. And to show a perfect dual world to everyone.

  Key words: Zhang ’Ailing; Modern Feelings; Traditional Ideas; Contradictory Character


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