

时间:2023-06-17 11:23:13 文/莉落 申请书北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Dear xxx,

  I am a thinker, but not one to think out loud. I love myself, but am not inlove with the sound of my own voice. I want to be loved, but not at the cost ofnot loving myself. I want to know everything, but realize that nothing can everbe known for sure. I believe that nothing is absolute, but I can absolutelydefend my beliefs. I understand that chance is preva lent in all aspects of life,but never leave anything important to chance. I am skeptical about everything,but realistic in the face of my skepticism. I base everything on probability,but so does nature…probably.

  I believe that all our actions are determined, but feel completely free todo as I choose. I do not believe in anything resembling a God, but would neverprofess omniscience with regard to such issues. I have faith in nothing, buttrust that my family and friends will always be faithful. I feel that religionis among the greatest problems in the world, but also understand that it isperhaps the ultimate solution. I recognize that many people derive their moralsfrom religion, but I insist that religion is not the only fountainhead ofmorality. I respect the intimate connection between morality and law, but do notbelieve that either should unquestioningly respect the other.

  I want to study the law and become a lawyer, but I do not want to study thelaw just because I want to become a lawyer. I am aware that the law andeconomics cannot always be studied in conjunction, but I do not feel that eitherone can be properly studied without an awareness of the other. I recognize thereis more to the law than efficiency, but believe the law should recognize theimportance of efficiency more than it does. I love reading about law andphilosophy, but not nearly as much as I love having a good conversation aboutthe two. I know that logic makes an argument sound, but also know that passionmakes an argument sound logical. I have philosophical beliefs informed byeconomics and economic beliefs informed by philosophy, but I have lost track ofwhich beliefs came first. I know it was the egg though.

  I always think very practically, but do not always like to think about thepractical. I have wanted to be a scientist for a while now, but it took me twoundergraduate years to figure out that being a scientist does not necessarilyentail working in a laboratory. I play the saxophone almost every day, but feelmost like an artist when deduction is my instrument. I spent one year at acollege where I did not belong and two years taking classes irrelevant for mymajor, but I have no regrets about my undergraduate experience. I am incrediblypassionate about my interests, but cannot imagine being interested in only onepassion for an entire lifetime.

  I love the Yankees, but do not hate the Red Sox. I love sports, but hatethe accompanying anti-intellectual culture. I may read the newspaper startingfrom the back, but I always make my way to the front eventually. I am liberal onsome issues and conservative on others, but reasonable about all of them. I willalways be politically active, but will never be a political activist. I thinkeverything through completely, but I am never through thinking aboutanything.

  I can get along with almost anyone, but there are very few people withoutwhom I could not get along. I am giving of my time, but not to the point offorgetting its value. I live for each moment, but not as much as I worry aboutthe next. I consider ambition to be of the utmost importance, but realize thatit is useless without the support of hard work. I am a very competitive person,but only when competing with myself. I have a million dreams, but I am more thanjust a dreamer. I am usually content, but never satisfied.

  Yours sincerely,



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