
关于重阳节的英语介绍 关于重阳节的英语介绍是什么

时间:2023-06-05 16:08:14 文/莉落 经验北考网www.beiweimall.com

1、The Double Ninth Festival, the annual the 9th day of the ninth month of the

Chinese lunar calendar day, is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation.重阳节,为每年的农历九月初九日,是中华民族的传统节日。

In ancient times, there were customs of climbing high to pray for

blessings, visiting chrysanthemums in autumn, wearing dogwood, offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors, and feasting for longevity.


So far, it has added the connotation of respecting the elderly, enjoying the feast high on the day of the Double Ninth Festival, and being grateful to the elderly.传承至今,又添加了敬老等内涵,于重阳之日享宴高会,感恩敬老。

Appreciation of the autumn and gratitude for respecting the elderly are two important themes of todays Double Ninth Festival.


2、go to the high 登高

Chongyang Festival first has the custom of climbing high. In September, the golden autumn, the weather is high and refreshing. This season, climbing high is expected to achieve the goal of relaxation and happiness, fitness and disease elimination.


3、Chrysanthemum 赏菊

On the Double Ninth Festival, there has always been the custom of enjoying chrysanthemums, so it has been called chrysanthemum festival since ancient times. The lunar calendar is commonly known as the chrysanthemum month in September, and the chrysanthemum conference is held at the festival. Since the Three Kingdoms and Wei Jin Dynasties, Chung Yeung has been drinking and appreciating chrysanthemums for poetry. In ancient Han customs, chrysanthemums symbolize longevity.重阳日,历来就有赏菊花的风俗,所以古来又称菊花节。农历九月俗称菊月,节日举办菊花大会,倾城的人潮赴会赏菊。从三国魏晋以来,重阳聚会饮酒、赏菊赋诗已成时尚。在汉族古俗中,菊花象征长寿


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