
大班英语优秀教案《This little pig went to the market》

时间:2023-06-19 19:23:45 文/孙小飞 教案北考网www.beiweimall.com








  1、Warm up:歌曲< To market>

  2、(教师出示儿歌背景图片)T: I bring a picture today. What do you see?

  (鼓励幼儿大胆说说图片上的内容。)C:I see a happy pig./ I see a market./ I see a house and a sleepy pig.


  1、T:What happened to these little pigs? Let’s listen to the rhyme together!

  (播放CD)欣赏儿歌第一遍T:What did you get from the rhyme?

  2、T: Let’s enjoy it again! This time, listen carefully. How many pigs are there in the market? What did they do?

  欣赏儿歌第二遍(教师边念边表演)T:What did you get from the story?


  T: Which pig went to the market?然后请一名幼儿送小猪回家,其中went to the market和cried wee wee wee我会请几名幼儿说说选择的理由,Why you choose this little pig?孩子们没说出来的内容,我就直接提醒比方说Which little pig had roast beef?先请孩子送小猪,送好整体幼儿练习2遍,行么?)

  3、T: Let’s listen it again. Please help me put the number on the right pig. Which is the first/the second…(把字母贴在小猪身上排序,理清儿歌的顺序。)贴好以后玩两个游戏

  (1)教师说图片内容,幼儿说图片序列。然后交换T:Let’s play a game. I tell you the sentence. You tell me the number of it. For example I say: “This little pig went to the market.” You should tell me No 1.

  T:Now change. I say the number you tell me what the picture says.


  T:I’ll divide you into 2 groups. Group 1 stand here on the yellow line. Group stand there on the red line. Group 1 say a number. Group 2 should tell me what the picture says.



  Group 1: You can clap your hands.

  Group 2: Come and show the rhyme to us. Ok?

  Change2、Let’s play a game幼儿把自己装扮成小猪,然后进行游戏表演。


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