

时间:2023-06-15 23:25:14 文/张东东 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Hello, my name is Cheng Jia noo. I'm not tall, but I am a smart boy. Don't believe it? Let me tell you about it.

  I remember a game of cat and mouse with my little friend once. I was not paying attention to it. My little friend caught me with a snap. I became a cat and began to catch mice. Because I closed my eyes, I couldn't see anything. I could only run around and make everybody laugh. I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Suddenly, I thought of a good way: standing in the place, and waiting for them to come, quick and quick, and quickly put them in good use of the trick, and I caught two mice. I was complacent and showed a brilliant smile.

  I'm very naughty, but sometimes I'm very attentive.

  Once, dad said he took me to the bookstore on Sunday, and I jumped up with joy. Finally, after Sunday, my father and I came to the bookstore. I quickly found a book that I like to read in the bookshelf and read it with relish. In a moment, an hour passed, two hours passed. Dad said we were going. I refused to walk on the bookshelf. My father couldn't survive my soft ground. I had to buy a book for me, and I was reluctant to leave.


  My name is Yuan Shiyu. I am an ordinary rural girl. I like singing, drawing and writing stories.

  I'm lazy and I don't want to write my homework. But when it comes to playing, I'm always the most active one. I am very active, active, sunny and optimistic. I am like the old man's character "not to be pleased with things but not to be sad". I admire the talent of the ancients, which also affects my love of Chinese.

  In class, I am a girl who can not be free all the time. I always like to join any activities, and I always like to speak in class. I like Chinese very much, because the Chinese teacher is a very easy-going person. I don't like English, though the English teacher hurts me very much. In my mind, I also have my own goddess, Liu Shishi. Because I think she is beautiful and interesting.

  I don't grow up, but I love to laugh. I always think that crying is a day, and laughter is also a day. It's better to have a happy day than to spend a day with a worried face. But mom always said I was making excuses for myself.

  In the class, everyone agreed that I was a "female man". I don't know why. Sometimes someone says I bully her, while the other says I can't beat him.

  My biggest feature is the word "say". It's not that I brag, to say this "say", there are several people who have compared with me. I also like watching TV. Whenever there are good programs, I always rush to the front of the TV. I read almost everything: news, TV, cartoons. I'm a perfect TV fan. I also like reading novels, but I am recognized as a talented girl in class. No, I don't like learning. My grades are good. There must be me before the big 70.

  In short, I am such a lively, cheerful, talkative girl.


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