

时间:2023-06-12 01:50:19 文/秦风学 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com



  how are you? i am very excited to be here today. i have a bachelor degree in business management. my english is not prefect, but i am able to carry on a dialouge. my english might not be as fluent as before since i haven't spoken english for more than a year. but i am confident that i should have no problem to speak fluent english once i practice more on job. i am very familiar with computer, especially microsoft office products. i am a responsible individual, who always want to do the best. further, my motto is "never give up" because i think it is the most important factor to become successful. i choose this company because it offers a rewarding and challenging career opportunity for my further career development.

  i am very confident that i can fix in the working environment quickly. and of course, i will work very hard to add as much value to the company as i can. thank you very much for your time.


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