

时间:2023-06-11 15:08:26 文/王明刚 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  To be a good car salesman will be the goal I have been striving for. As a major in auto industry. During the school period, I have always aimed to improve my comprehensive quality, and I have developed a correct outlook on life, values and world outlook in the direction of my all-round development. Through the four years of study and life, and took part in the social practice for many times, I have a healthy outlook on life, the correct political orientation, have certain ability to analyze and solve problems, has the strong beginning ability.

  Three years of technical secondary school life like mischiefs, never returned, the only thing left is my knowledge and skills, now Im going to to my favorite job, in the face of the fierce talent competition, I know your knowledge is limited, but I more clear I have unwilling to lag behind the desire of the spirit, and constantly learning, constantly improve. I have my own young and persistent career passion, I believe I will do better! I need an opportunity to present myself and exercise myself. Ill give it a shot if Im tired.

  "To eat bitter, to be human", in the work, I will be a conscientious, excellent staff.


  As a professional automotive graduates. In school, I was always to improve their overall quality as the goal, self-direction for the comprehensive development, establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view. Through four years of study and life, and participated in a number of social practice, I have a sound of life, the correct political orientation, have a certain analyze and solve the problem of capacity, there are strong practical ability.

  Car through the system sound knowledge of learning, I have a solid professional foundation of knowledge, and have some knowledge of automotive management. A lot of hunting through extra-curricular reading library books and materials in automobiles. I understand the direction of Chinas auto industry developments, particularly in the automotive after-market services. Know the status of the vehicle maintenance industry and trends. Good at learning new knowledge and methods of process analysis and problem-solving ability, and can be trained using the Internet to check vehicle maintenance information, collect the latest information on the industry.

  Feet on the ground is a fundamental base of society, which I always remember the words. Have a good professional quality and ethics, to be loyal to their own business, personal career planning and development of enterprises in close combination. Innovative, good at creating, can withstand the higher operating pressure; hard, pay attention to cooperation and work with young people, like fire and passion and vitality.

  To become a technology, and management, good business car people. I have been working and will be striving for. Of course, many talented people in this society I am not necessarily the best, but I will definitely try to acquire a niche in the ranks among the best. Chinas auto industry to realize their social value.


  I am a recent graduate of auto major. During the school period, I have always aimed to improve my comprehensive quality, and I have developed a correct outlook on life, values and world outlook in the direction of my all-round development. Through the four years of study and life, and took part in the social practice for many times, I have a healthy outlook on life, the correct political orientation, have certain ability to analyze and solve problems, has the strong beginning ability.

  Through the system perfect car professional knowledge of learning, I have a solid professional basic knowledge, and have certain automobile management knowledge. Through a large number of reading and reading library materials.

  I understand the dynamic direction of the automobile industry in China, especially in the post-market service area. Know the development status and trend of automobile maintenance industry. Good at learning new methods of knowledge, analyzing and solving problems, able to use the Internet to check auto maintenance data and collect the latest information of the industry.

  Down-to-earth is a foundation of social base, and I always remember one sentence. Have good professional quality and professional ethics, be able to be loyal to own enterprise, the individual career planning and the enterprise development closely combine. Innovative, good at starting, able to work under high pressure; Hard work, focus on cooperation, have the enthusiasm and vitality of young people.

  To become a car sales experience will be the goal I have been striving for. Of course I am not necessarily the best in the society of this talented person, but I will work hard to be in this excellent ranks. To realize their social value in the automobile sales industry in China.


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