

时间:2023-06-14 17:47:49 文/孙小飞 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Hello, everyone, my name is XX, from XX, now we have the most beautiful youth, I dont want to in the twenty years of age but still do what you can do with a 80 - year - old, play computer, watch TV. I like to travel, with a smile, to visit the motherland of the great things. I think as a tour guide should be happy, every time I smile to others, others also smile to you. Tour guide is not only a leading tour and need enough patience and bear hardships and stand hard work spirit, good professional moral level and broad scope - thank you


  Hello, everyone!

  Welcome to our history and culture of the ancient capital of Beijing, the first self-introduction, I was once in the Millennium Beijing, Beijing, and even the tourism session the wisdom of the most talented and smart in equal emphasis on beauty, the embodiment of heroes and chivalry, see cute car car for the drivers instructors may Liang Lei fork down, guests can cross twice in between John Smith, master.

  To share with you a joke ah, active look at our anger. My name is xxx is our tour guide in Beijing this time, we can call me a small x, very pleased to be able to in this vast sea of more than 100 million met with everyone, this is our fate, and there a hundred years of cultivation degree of the same boat, lets a hundred years of cultivation is also the edge of the same car. Since we met in Dalian, I serve the Afghan people, I will certainly let you play happy, enjoying to play. We hope that our service will bring you, a thousand days at home, good, is not difficult to go out feeling.

  I shall now make a song to start our trip. Let us summon the palm of your gold, silver palm, cactus, for my small x drum applause.

  (Singing) on itinerary.

  This is something very simple self-introduction of a guide, a good guide not only be able to introduce to visitors the customs along the way, is more important is that it can give tourists a pleasant mood, the last to wish all the guides are a good tour guide, Do not be a bad black-hearted cheating guide.


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