

时间:2023-06-12 10:49:01 文/秦风学 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Good moring/afternoon!

  Thanks for giving me the chance here. I'd like to introuce myself briefly first.

  My name is XuLiang. I was born and grew up in Shaoxing city. So I am a native people. I graduated from Hangzhou Dianzi university and got my English bachelor degree in June this year.

  My English skills are beyong doubts since I have passed CET4 and CET6 with good marks. I am pretty good at oral and written English and can read latest information about computer science well in English.

  Besides my good academic studies, I have many hobbies and enjoy some community activities. I play badminton well and get on well with my classmates and friends. I manage to balance my study and life well.

  “I’m interested in marketing and PR. Last summer I did some PR work for a small nonprofit. I also have experience in these areas through my involvement in student and community organizations. Next year, I hope to obtain a position with a mid to large-sized marketing/PR firm.”

  If I can get this job, of course, I will focus all my time and energy on this career. I'll expend my scope of relevent knowledge. On the other hand, I should promote my sence of responsibility, compitition and cooperation.

  That's all, thank you for giving me the chance!


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