

时间:2023-06-08 21:13:49 文/莉落 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Hello everyone, I am glad that we will be able to come to classes one and representatives English for me. My name is HanShuWei, the 15-year-old. I like English and writing. I Hope in the days ahead we can work together to learn English!

  I am a beautiful/handsome girl/boy whose name is Nicolejiao. Why I say that I am beautiful, because I have not got freckles, pimples, wrinkles, bags under the eyes crow's feet at the corners of the eyes, also you can say me has an exquisite face that softens everyone's heart.

  The problem is no one agrees with me.17 years ago, because of the Chinese reform and open policies. My father leaved Changchun to Shenzhen with hopeful spirit, in order to make a happiness life in the future. At that time, I was only 1 years old.

  I like art. When I was a child. I learned how to play the piano, sing and play the

  saxophone for several years. Although I’m not very good at computer, I have a lot of

  interest in it. Particulate in design website and make beautiful pictures. I don’t like

  math, it is the most difficult subject in the world. (这一段是描写兴趣爱好的)

  People always say I am an easy-going person.


  But, in my consider view that this is the only strength that I have. Maybe other classmates would not agree with me because they think I’m a cute, earnest, diligent girl. In addition, such a wonderful girl still has weaknesses in English. I remember that Mr. Kent always said “spelling wrong, spelling wrong…” Also,my grammar is not good enough. I think that wouldn’t influence my intellectual head.

  I like reading. Reading covers one over three of my free time.


  I was a conductor of our high school band and the band joined an international performance in 2002. In Huamei, I take part in the student council .To be honor, I become a secretary. I think that is a miracle.

  As everyone in the world know that I am not good at science. This semester, we has hight levels of Math. That’s a big challenging for me, but I still want to keep on learning new things to increase my ability and broaden my horizons.

  (这学期我们有更高层次的`数学,这对我来说是个巨大的挑战,但我仍然会为了提高自己的能力和拓 宽视野而继续学习。

  I am a kind of person who is easily moved and somewhat of a perfectionist, even in small things, but I know that I do need more self-confidence to see a thing through to the finish.


  Sometimes, I often feel as if I lived a long time because I am always dreaming and thinking odd things in the future and past and could not myself prevent it.


  Now I really enjoy my life now, although I still have many dreams to chase . My father often said to me:” Nothing can stop you. Believe in yourself.” So no matter how hard the challenging is, I will be accept it.

  我对自己现在的生活状况很满意,虽然我还有很多理想要去追求。 就象 我父亲常对我说的那样 ,没什么事情可以阻止你,相信自己。 无论未来的困难多大,我都随时准备迎接挑战。


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