

时间:2023-06-17 12:57:20 文/李盛 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com





  i am kevin,aged 27. i graduated from xx. in the last five years i have been working in xx company, serving as cashier and settlement accountant. i have rich experience in finance management system and tax paying application, and i am proficient in various kinds of finance softwares. i am self-motivated, and have been focusing on my own major knowledge, in the hope of passing medium level accountant examination in this year. i am confident to accept every challenge.the history of college serving as the chairman in student union cultivated my strong responsibity feeling, executing ability and leading power.

  in my spare time, i engage in many sorts of hobbies, especially for history. i also love sports, and organize my friends in office to play games.the badminton is my strength.


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