

时间:2023-06-10 17:33:30 文/马振华 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com




  From a middle class family,I was born in Hsin Ying,Tainan on October 10 th,1965. My father is a civil official at Tainan City Government.My mother is a house wife good at cooking.Although I am the only child of my parents,I am by no means a spoiled one.On the contrary, I have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education.I study hard at school.Besides texts knowledge,journalism is my favorite; whenever reading,my heart is filled with great joy and interesting.

  Being good is must;successful,however,is plus.Father adopts the idea of his father.Especially in military service,I realized it more precisely.People said:Military service makes a boy to man,I agree that.

  I realized the importance of English and began to study diligently when I was eighteen.I did not start in my early age,but I hope that I could pass the test of General English Proficiency Test.And this is my best wish at the moment.

  Thank you!



  a:What kind of person would you say you are?

  b:How would you describe yourself?


  Introverted/extroverted/outgoing (extroverted和outgoing优先使用更高词汇,但是使用前务必确认单词读音)

  Optimistic/pessimistic (好一对“乐观”与“悲观”的姐妹花) ;conversable/quiet;active /passive








  (1)I’m studying in **University towards a bachelor /master degree of( engineering/ math/arts……

  (2)What’s your major?

  My major is…

  (3)Why do you choose your present specialty as your major?

  I found myself strongly fascinated by this field …

  My parents intended me for this…



  Bachelor/Master of Science (理学学士、硕士) Bachelor/Master of Arts(文学学士、硕士)

  Bachelor/Master of Engineering(工学学士、硕士)……

  One’s Specialty:

  Engineering工程学 biochemistry生物化学 economics经济学 finance金融学 management管理学 journalism新闻学

  Linguistics语言学 accounting会计学 social science社会科学 literature文学 psychology心理学



  I have a lot of hobbies among which I find …is a lot of fun.

  I often relas myself by …

  Most of my spare time is given to…



  romance film;affectional film言情片 story film故事片 action film动作片 literary film 文艺片


  classical music 古典音乐 pop music 流行音乐 country music乡村音乐 jazz爵士乐 rock and roll摇滚乐


  novel长篇小说 short story短篇小说 science fiction科幻小说 detective novel侦探小说

  romantic novel言情小说 martial arts novel武侠小说 poetry诗歌 drama戏剧


  jogging慢跑 hiking远足 mountain-climbing登山

  skating滑冰 table tennis乒乓球 tennis网球


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