

时间:2023-06-17 04:22:07 文/孙小飞 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  1 Introduce yourself 介绍个人信息

  2 Introduce your college 介绍你的'大学

  3 Introduce your family 介绍你的家庭

  4 Introduce your hometown 介绍你的家乡

  5 Introduce your reasons for preparing the postgraduate exam 介绍自己为何要考研

  6 Why do you choose to study in our department? 讲述报考该院校的原因 7 About your future plans 你的未来计划

  8 Do you have any hobbies? 个人爱好


  Good morning, teachers, I am honored to be informed to have this interview.

  Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself.

  Good morning. It’s my great honor to attend this interview.

  Good morning. I’m very glad to have this opportunity for this interview. Good morning. I’m so glad to attend the interview.


  I’m so glad to attend this interview today. This opportunity of interview is precious to me. In face of it, I feel the wish to enter this university is so urgent. It seems that my dream will soon come true. I sincerely hope all professors here can give me this opportunity to realize my dream. In a word, if luckily I get the chance to learn MBA in Dalian University of Technology, I will do my best on the study and research in my graduate time, and I hope I can form


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