

时间:2023-06-05 01:48:19 文/孙小飞 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  I am an outgoing, lively, cheerful girl, though only a year to work deficiency, without too much work experience but in my work full of enthusiasm, good working attitude so that i can is responsible earnestly to complete each work.

  In the school as league secretary of the period, not only make me more understand mannered of truth, and exercise of my strength, that i have a very good team cooperation consciousness, is eva luated many times outstanding student cadres. learn practical ability, won the accounting computerization and accountant from job seniority card and other related certificates.

  Positive thinking upwards and in xxxx joined the communist party of china. my personal qualities plus my working ability, i firmly believe qualified for my future work. i'll continue cooperating, to move forward.


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