

时间:2023-06-08 17:57:57 文/孙小飞 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com

  good morning. it's a pleasure for me present myself. my name is , and i am a candidate for the position of representative.

  i am initiatives, conscientious, responsible, sociable ,adaptable.

  during the one and half years working in 3d mould, i developed 7 new customers, and also participated several different tasks, for instance, creating company wet page, composing iso9000 management systems & primary conformity assessment, writing foreign trade document, direct the annual party.

  i benefited a lot from this multiple job. firstly, i wrote the iso9000 quality management system and requirements, which helped me to perceive how to carry out and manage a company. secondly, my professional knowledge enhanced a lot because i need to check the process of the project with production dept, quality dept and suppliers. the communication between them helped me to transform my speculative knowledge, which i learned from university, into practical experience. thirdly, after communication & exchange with foreign customers for one and half years, my english ability improved a lot. now i am quite familiar with professional english about manufacture, and i can understand english drawings. last but not least, i turned my article gifts and experience in student union to good account by organizing the annual party and travel which had great success.

  of course, as a young person, i know i have my deficiencies, and what’s more, i still have potential to reach. i went to spare-time school to learn oversea business and oral english. in order to participate in creating company website, i learn dreamweaver by myself during the spare time. after years working and studying, i believe the most important things you need in a job are team spirit and responsibility. with these two things, i will be a valuable person for the company and have a fruitful career life.


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