

时间:2023-06-02 08:47:19 文/王明刚 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com

  my name is chen lizhou from sichuan province. i’m now a student of seu, major in medical inspection.

  being a doctor is one of the most admirable occupations in the world. since i were very sick the moment i were given birth to, i couldn’t have lived on without the power of these magical doctors and nurses. so i wished to be a good doctor at a very young age to help other patients like me.

  consequently, after the college entrance examination, i applied for this medical college and attended successfully.

  as we all know, medical study is much tougher than other professions. besides some fundamental courses, there are more professional subjects that require a good memory. although i am aware that i’m not good at memorizing, i won’t give in and i believe that tears and sweats will surely bring me success and realize my childhood dreams.


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