

时间:2023-06-08 10:27:35 文/刘莉莉 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Hello, everyone!My name is Kayla of class two grade four. I am ten years old. I am energetic and helpful. In school,I am not only good at study, but also responsible to classmates for service and help. I am interested in lots of things, such as, singing, dancing, playing the piano, drawing, horse riding, and so on. These things make me happy and confident.I am good at taking care of myself. When I was in grade two,as the youngest member, I flied to Vienna with my chorus. And teachers said, I was doing pretty well. I believe, if I can go to Britain, I will do well as also.I love English, and “My Storybook” always gets a high score in class. If I can go to Britain, I can improve my English. If I can go to Britain, I am willing to visit Oxford and Cambridge. I love them very much.That’s all! Thank you for your time!


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