

时间:2023-06-10 10:10:35 文/黄飞 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com

  XX in xx as a travel agency sales, stores primarily responsible for the reception of guests.

  XX in xx as a travel agency primarily responsible for sales of products sold in europe and other lines, independent process to resolve the problems in the sales.

  a web site in xx as marketing assistant main duties:

  online and offline activities, planning, implementation, activities on-site implementation in xx, as a sales job XX travel, mainly responsible for the reception guests outlets.

  xx in XX travel as sales is mainly responsible for the marketing europe etc, independent in solving product lines in the process of sales.

  a website in xx as the market assistant responsibilities:

  online and offline event planning, execution, the execution in xx,i was engaged in sales work in an agent, mainly in charged of reception of retail customers,and in xx, i was in charged of sales of goods aimed at europe and independently solved the problems in the sale process. in xx,i worked as marketing assistant in a website, my main duties concerning online or offline event planning, execution and so on.


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