

时间:2023-06-07 15:46:17 文/黄飞 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  my name is xxxx . i am an undergraduate of henannormaluniversity , majoring in biotechnology . in the past three years , i did quite a good job in my study and had acquired systemic knowledge of my major . besides , i passed cet-6 and have obtained the second prize for band c in the 2007 and 2008 national english contest for college students twice . i have good communicative skill and strong team spirit which will be a great help for me to fulfill my master degree courses . with regard to my character , i'd like to say that i am optimistic and easy-going . besides study i enjoy walking which makes me healthy and my mind tough .

  he following is my resume . and the enclosed document is my school report of the past three years ! if i should deliver two professor' recommendations to you ,i will post them as soon as possible .thanks for your attention !


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