

时间:2023-06-19 11:37:08 文/李盛 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Hello everyone! My name is Han Jingwen. Now I am in the Middle School of the experimental middle school. I have an oval face and a pair of black eyes. I'm 12 years old this year.


  My hobby is reading. Speaking of reading, I still have a little story. That day, I saw my classmates bought a book "no more than a cram class first", this book I have been longing for a long time, but my father is not to buy me. My self-esteem is very strong. I hardly ever begged others from small to large. This time, I had to rush to the top and had to pick up her. She knew that she could say yes, but she had to exchange it with animal book, so I had to give her the book and asked her for the book.


  To say my favorite, it's a few sports. The sports results are very good. In grade five, the race ran, ran a second place, and got a A. As soon as I spoke of this, I felt a sense of honor in my heart.


  My weakness is to love the "golden bean". Well, don't laugh. It's my hobby too. The pet is dead, crying! Bad exam, cry! Read a book to see the moving place, the nose is sour, there are two rows of "big pearls". However, I do not feel embarrassed, the ancients cloud: "when laughing and laughing, crying and crying, no need to cover up."


  My greatest advantage is that I don't count the mistakes of others. Last year's birthday, my brother accidentally knocked over ink inkstone, and the ink sprinkled my skirt. That was the new dress I just put on the same day! See my skirt was dyed black small "flower", made in a complete mess, my brother was dumbfounded. When I saw my brother's feeling of being confused, I was all unwilling and uncomfortable, but I could only pretend to be indifferent. He smiled and said, "no problem. Be careful next time. Besides, I don't like this skirt very much. I want to give it to others."


  I am lively, cheerful, enthusiastic and generous. My character, let me get a lot of friends; my character, and I lost a lot of knowledge. This is me, a real life in the life of me, are you willing to make friends with me?


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