

时间:2023-06-08 07:45:44 文/李盛 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com



  /a/201106/639.htmli am a lively, cheerful and ambitiongirl. i am 170cm talland 54kg weight. i like to treat everything around us witha smile. a friendly smile can pass a good intention to people. to be astewardess is that i have always dream of, i like the feeling of flying in theblue sky. when facing

  difficulties, i never backed down, i always smile to confrot them and havethe courage to move forward. i love to be a flight attendant, this is a nobleprofession. positive and optimistic attitude, tradition of hard work are all ihave, i believe i can do it.

  i am a extroverted and aspirant girl. i am 1.7 meters tall and 54kilogrames. i like smile with all thinkgs around me for smile can give friendlymessage to others. being a stewardess is my dream for i like feeling flying onthe sky. i never give up facing difficulties. i always smile with them and keepforward. i love the job of being a stewardess. i have optimistic attitude andwork hard. i believe that i am competent enough to fill the job


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