

时间:2023-06-18 07:18:55 文/阿林 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Since the 21 century, the further development of the economic globalization and multinational companies have stimulated the world trade and economy ; At the same time, have brought huge challenge for the industrial stucture and production markets of every country.

  Take the job creation situation in china for an example, we can see both opportunities and challenges there: As for the opportunities, firstly, the globalization has brought in lots of foreign investment companies, thus greatly increasing the employment in china; secondly, it contributes to the circulation of the production factors among all countries, helping more chinese work abroad to relieve the domestic pressure. And lastly, the growing in the export also creates more jobs.

  And as for the challenges, The contradition mainly shows among the develpment of technology, industrial structure and labor qualities. On one hand, the new era of novation has proposed the new requirements for the labor, and the non-professional and non-technoligial labor can no longer meet the demands of flexibility to adapt to the new market mechanism. On the other hand, all the facors involving the development have quickend the pace of economic growing, which can’t satisfy the need for job creation.

  So in conclusion , the globalizaion is a doule-edged sword for all the countries, it includes the opportunies and the challenges, especially for the developing countries whose economy, science and technology remain to be improved a lot, the risks are a lot ,and competition is extremely fiece.

  Hi, my name is wuyishi, a sophomore from electrical and electronics enginerring department, i have been looking forward a chance to the mun for a long time, to see more and learn more.

  I used to be a member of aiesec, where i knew lots of new friends, learned much knowledge about management and sales. And the most important thing is i found where my passion comes from in this association. I wasn’t a person good at speaking in public before, maybe i can say i really scared to speak in front of others. But after the experience in aiesec, i have changed a lot , i exploited my own potential ,and i am more willing to communicate to strange friends, to speak confidently now.

  after that , i participated in the APEC competition, got a third prize, and there i see some really great english speakers, who also encourged me to work harder and behave better next time. i will really appreciate it if given this chance. It’s difficult to keep learning english without certain goals, i wish i could find motivations from this activity and absorbing more knowledge from it.



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