

时间:2023-06-18 19:33:34 文/黄飞 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  on december 12th xxxx to join the chinese communist party,and in xxxx on dec.15 in july,xxxxwill achieve becomes smooth finish school joins xxxx district branch organization of this glorious.during the period of school i studied the financial accounting major,and the students management organization,in their constant efforts become an excellent student body president.in his work,the first learned to work,a good leader should have excellent work unceasingly,will have good interpersonal relationship.learn financial,enlightened life.xxx,let me understand the professional study,to be one step a footprint,the collapse of tashi.now that im graduating from college,but walked into the classroom society,i knew i have many insufficient place,so after learning,i will like to sit in the senior leaders,learn a lot.in order to progress to the community,in order to reflect the progress,the streets of advanced nature of the communist party of china,let us work together!


  my name is fu xiang,i really feel honored to introduce myself briefly,firstly,i love english it brings me passion,at present,ive got cet6 certificate,office software application ofcitt(national occupational qualification level3) and

  certificate of accounting professional,now i am preparing for bec and self-educated bachelors degree.by the way,i major in computer infor manegement.

  secondly,i love collection,collect speicial plastic bags,beautiful pictures on the net,interesting small objects,useful information and anything i interested in.

  thirdly,travel is my preference. in whole china,the ancient atmosphere (temperament) districts are the places that i mostly look forward to going to,as yunnan lijiang,lamma island,joss house bay island---maldives in china,sanya and so forth.so i usually found some related informations about traveling in magzines.over world,there are many more place i would like to foot in.and i try to have a taste of (unique) characteristic and delicious snacks in any corner when the weather is mild,i enjoy the atmosphere of eating food in macao street.i think thats a kind of feast,thats life.


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