

时间:2023-06-18 03:25:38 文/黄飞 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  hello, i’m han yueyuan 。 i’m a girl。 i’m 11 years old。 i’m form hangzhou。 i have long hair , small eyes, small mouth。

  i like english very much。 i’m very happy every day。 my favourite food is cake ,because it’s sweet。 my favourite fruit are apples。 they are tasty and healthy。 an apple a day keeps doctor way。 my favourite day is fridays, because we have english on the fridays。

  on the saturdays and sundays i often do housework,i’m helpful。 i can wash the clothes, water the flowers, make the bed。 i can’t do the dishes, but i’d like to try。 do you like me?


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