

时间:2023-06-04 23:16:54 文/孙小飞 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com













  同时我也具备了自身的优势:一、认真负责的态度 二、较强的沟通能力 三、我足够自信。我相信我能用我的行动去带动各干事融入这个大集体,同时了配合好老师、书记、主席团开展各项活动。









  敬爱的导师,下午好,你们辛苦了。我是xx,xx岁,x年x月x日出生于菏泽。菏泽,古时候又称“曹州“,作为中国传统农耕文化的重要发端地和长期集中传承的发展区之一,它是探讨中华民族农耕文明起源的“风水宝地”。上古时期关于“三皇五帝”等中华民族先祖的传说、历史文献记载和众多遗迹、遗址,保留完整的农耕生产生活方式等皆具有很重要的历史价值. 菏泽可谓是历史源远流长,文化底蕴丰厚,此外,菏泽还素有“曲山艺海”和“唢呐之乡”、“古筝之乡”、“杂技之乡”的美誉。我将于x年x月毕业于滨州学院,滨州学院,坐落于中国古代著名军事家“兵圣”孙武的故乡-滨州市。它是全国第一家培养飞行学员的地方普通本科院校,建有全国高校第一个中国孙子研究院、第一个安全文化研究中心、第一家李大钊研究所。学院秉着“明德、励学、日新、致远”的校训和“求实、严谨、团结、奋进”的校风,在“自强不息、守正出奇”的学校精神下逐步发展壮大。我的本科专业是汉语言文学,从中文跨到民俗学我觉得这不是一个很大的跨越,民俗学研究需要查阅古籍文献,我可以利用我的专业帮助我更好的去理解古词文意。而且,当下定决心考民俗学时,我就有一种冲不掉的想法,20年后,它一定会有一个辉煌的未来。我先简单说说我报考民俗学的原因吧!首先,理解,我要更好的理解不同地区的人们,学会更好地生活。其次,兴趣,民俗是一个交叉性质的学科,研究它可以开阔视野,增长见识,提升自身的人文素养。接着,社会需要,和谐社会需要更多的尊重和平等意识,而民俗文化则有助于政府制定更准确的政策,促进民众之间的和谐相处,社会的安定有序。最后,求学,我一直走在在升学的路上,而研究生则是我真正求学的开始。我希望我能抓住这次机会,也希望各位老师给我这次机会,开启我真正的求学大门。



  但这个意识一直都有。第四,上进心、责任心和担当力要有,这对于做学问和做事做人都是必不可少的。第五,艰苦的生活环境我不怕,我自幼住着土坯房,直到高中,所以对于衣食住行的艰苦丝毫不畏惧,在田野调查中,完全可以把我当男孩子使。第六,不抱怨,怀着感恩的心去生活,努力回报给予帮助的人,自幼是亲戚邻居接济长大,中学时代看到身边同学花钱不眨眼,有过伤心,为什么自己不可以,但从不去抱怨父母没有能力给予我更多物质,而是谢谢爸妈背后的默默支持,供我上学。所以,我的导师不用担心我的思想道德素养问题。 我的自我介绍结束,谢谢各位老师!

  Dear teachers, good afternoon, you have worked hard. I'm XX, X years old, born in XX in Heze . Heze is the city of

  Shandong, in ancient times, also known as the "Cao Zhou", as one of the important birthplace of China traditional farming culture, and focused on the long-term inheritance

  development area, it is to explore the Chinese farming civilization origin "geomantic treasure ground". In ancient times the Chinese nation on the "Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns" ancestral legends, historical records and monuments, ruins, to retain the integrity of the agricultural

  production and way of life have very important historical value. Heze is a long history, rich culture, in addition, Heze is also known as "mountain sea" and "suona town", "guzheng town", "hometown of acrobatics" reputation. I will be in X graduated from the Binzhou University, Binzhou University, is located in the famous ancient China strategist "soldier saint" Sun Wu's hometown - Binzhou city. Binzhou University. It is the first flight training students of local universities, built the first National University China Sunzi Research Institute, the first safety culture research center, the first Li Dazhao institute. The college holds "Mingde, Xue Li, the new, Zhiyuan" motto and "realistic, rigorous, solidarity, forge ahead" of the school, in the "uemitting self-improvement, guard is surprising" school spirit gradually grow.

  My undergraduate major is Chinese language and literature, from Chinese to cross the folklore and I think this is not a great leap forward, the folklore research needs access to ancient literature, I can use my professional help me to go to a better understanding of the meaning of word. Moreover, I had a rushed out ideas, after 20 years, forelore will have a brilliant future. I briefly talk about why I apply for folklore! First of all, understand, I want people to get a better understanding of different regions, better life .Secondly, interest, folklore is a cross subject, study it can broaden my horizons, increase my knowledge, improve my humanities accomplishment. Then, the needs of society, the harmonious society needs more

  respect and equality consciousness, and the folklore culture is helpful to the government to formulate more accurate policy, promote harmonious coexistence between people, social

  order and stability. Finally, to study, I have been walking in the road in the entrance, but the graduate students is the start of my real study. I hope I can seize this opportunity, and also hoped teachers help me to open the door to seek knowledge. Teacher, please allow me to say why I can become a qualified graduate students. First, the folklore belongs to the humanities, need to study a variety of ancient works. My major is Chinese language and literature, although not proficient in it, but never bothered to tutor up. Second, the graduate student to have calm thinking and force, to withstand lonely, live firmly the bench, I can do it. Third, dare to challenge, have a dialectical perspective and unique perspective is an indispensable quality of graduate students, I dare not say I absolutely have to, but this awareness has been. Fourth, self-motivated, responsible and bear force should have, which are essential to learning and to work. Fifth, I am not afraid the hard environment of living, I was lived in poor houses , until high school so in the field investigation, can treat me as a boy . Sixth, don't

  complain, grateful to life, trying to give help, childhood is the relatives and neighbors help grow up, school tmes,teachers give me more help.I never to complain that my parents do not have the ability to give me more material, but thank parents behind silent support for me l. So, my professor don't have to worry about my Ideological and moral.

  End of my self introduction, thank you teachers!













  dear honored teachers,good afternoon,

  oh,even I have rehearsed for this moment thousands of times ,when I am standing right here right now ,I still fell so nervous.

  My name is zhangqi.i graduated from Guanghua college of Changchun university,a ordinary university but I believe with a bright future ,especially if I was sussessfully eolled by Peking university.

  Three words can adequately show you what kind of girl I am.The first one is optimistic.Yeah,if without it I would not have been here after my failure last year,during that tough times I tell myself again and again tomorrow will be better if only I have the dream and do my best to make it come ture.And I do it.The second one is persistence.three years ago I was almost 65kgs ,you know ,just like a meatball,but now,I dare not say I am slim,but at least close to the standard weight.maybe it is not a big thing,but believe me it is not easy to run around the playground alone more than one hour a day while you have to avoid the lovers walking around the playground.The third one is self-confidence,which I once thought was far away from me untill a teacher tell me,self-confidence ,in his opinion,is not how strong you are,but how much you believe yourself can be sronger.I take his idea,because I am never disapointed of myself,I believe I can be the one I want to be,and no matter how many troubles I have to conquer,I will make it.

  Maybe I am not so good among these terrific students,I will be the most potential one.

  Dear professors,

  Good afternoon! My name is Zhang Qi. I come from Qingdao, a world-known beautiful city along China’s east coast. Standing here to be interviewed is my greatest honor, and of course it has been my dream for a long time. Inevitably, I feel a little nervous, but I really hope I can make a good performance today.

  Just as a saying goes: Personality decides everything. Thus, shaping a good

  character is my lifelong pursuit no matter where and how old I am.

  Generally speaking, I think there are three words can be used to describe myself, which may be used by others a lot of times: optimistic, persistence and

  self-confidence. However, these characteristics I own are not special but necessary because the other candidates who have got the opportunity to be interviewed today are all in possession of them.

  Well, another ordinary but unique feature in my personality I pretty value all the time is: I am down-to-earth. For me, all the success and failures I once got have belonged to the past. What matters now is that I know clearly who I was, who I am and who I will be. Because, as far as I am concerned, only by knowing that, can a person know what should be done and what should not be done in life, that is to say, can a person know goals clearly, can he or she realize these goals efficiently and perfectly.

  Therefore, standing here as a candidate for Peking University, I think I have been ready for your next question. Thank you!











  Hello,Everyone, Good afternoon, It’s my honor to be here and introduce myself to you, My name is Li , come from South west university.


  Because of the enthusiasm for the new knowledge, I went to the college 3years ago, since then, I have been working hard and try my best to grasp every chance to improve myself to make me better and stronger, not just in the class, but in the life. So, I came to Lanzhou Chemistry and Physics research institute, I hope it would be my new start point here.


  During my college, I studied the public curriculums, like Politics, Advanced mathematics, College physics etc. and specialize in the classes of fundamental chemistry, Advanced organic chemistry, high polymer chemistry and Chemical principle etc. as the same time, I studied on the curriculums of experiment, such as Chemistry fundamental experiment, Organic chemistry experiment, Applied chemistry and instrumental

  analysis etc. During that, I am most interested in the organic chemistry, so I spent much more time on that.


  So, because of the hardworking, I ranked the 2nd out of 58 of my classmates in the same major, and get qualified to go to the graduate school without taking master entrance examination test. So, I am very thirsty to be a student of Lanzhou chemistry and physics research institute and I hope Everyone of you can give me a chance.

  Thank you!


  Good afternoon, professors:

  It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for this interview. Now I will introduce myself briefly, my name is zhangfei, I’m 21 years old, and I’m from AnHui. My major is Materials Science and Engineering, and I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation this year. In the past 4 years, I spend most of my time on study. I have built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, as well as a rich experience of social activities. I am a determined person, always willing to achieve higher goals.

  What's more, I am good at analysis, with a strong sense of cooperation. Personally, I am very humorous and easy-going, enjoying a good relationship among my classmates.

  In my spare time, I like to read books regarding how to be myself and how to deal with problems. Music and movies are my favorite entertainments. As for my sport interest, I could not deny my greatest interest is badminton. Playing this game brings me a lot of happiness.

  I hope that I can accomplish my dream and I will appreciate it from the bottom of my heart, if you could offer me a chance to study. Give me an opportunity and I'll return you a wonder.

  That is all, thanks for your attention.


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