

时间:2023-06-08 08:16:58 文/李盛 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com

  My name is guo xinzhuo. I'm twelve years old, and I study in three classes in the river west, grade five.

  I am a quiet girl, I have big eyes, cherry mouth.

  I have one advantage: I am willing to help others. Usually in class, my classmates need my help, as long as I can, I didn't say anything. In the second grade, there was a classmate's pen box won't open, I immediately helped him to pick up a brick on the playground, a knock, the pen box rotten, but also opened, the classmate did not blame me. My disadvantage is that I love to write the wrong words, sometimes very lazy, and always to bend down to walk. Mom and dad often say that I, now my exercise book of the wrong word reduces, but lazy, the bad habit of stooping and walking has not been changed. I must make up my mind to get rid of these bad habits.

  Every day after school, I always hurried home. Write your homework. You're done. I turned on the computer and began to write my composition on the small charge.

  My hobbies include: skipping, running, single row pulley, jumping rope, bicycle, drawing, etc.

  Once, my mother bought some melon seeds to prepare for the coming guests. The result was half eaten. Mother taught me a lesson. Ah! It is difficult to change the nature of the mountains.

  One day, my parents called home and said, "mom and dad are going home late." Grandma heard the phone and said, "let me cook." I said, "grandma, I'll do it." Grandma said, "be careful."

  One day, I went to the vegetable market with my mother, and I saw a small stall of clay people. I said to my mother, "can you sell me a mud man?" Mom said, "ok." I took a pewman.

  I have many hobbies and many stories.

  Vote more!












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