

时间:2023-06-11 17:57:04 文/黄飞 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com





  1.开头用一句话引入:Good morning/afternoon, dear professors/teachers, I feel so glad to be here for this interview./I am great honored to meet all of you here.


  ①姓名、年龄及家乡。年龄及家乡直接跟在姓名后带过,如:My name is/I am***, 24 years old, and come from***province.


  ③性格优势及能力。着重强调自己的个性及能力对所报考专业的积极作用,如学术性专业,可用steady(踏实)、careful(细心认真)、active, aggressive(有进取心的)等。其他一些表性格能力的形容词:logical(有条理的)、responsible(有责任心)、dependable(可靠的)、efficient(有效率的)、amicable(友善的)、analytical(善于分析的)、cooperative(合作的)、creative(有创造力的)、disciplined(有纪律的)、energetic(精力充沛的)、faithful(忠诚的), gentle(文雅的)、independent(有主见的)、innovative(创新的)、motivated(积极的)、modest(谦虚的)、punctual(守时的)、precise(一丝不苟的`)等。

  ④兴趣爱好。介绍自己对学习重视的同时,也应介绍一下自己的兴趣爱好。需要注意的是:应避免一些可能引起考官反感的兴趣,如watching TV,playing computer games等。考生可以从旅游、音乐、体育等方面入手,并简要说明这些爱好对你的积极影响(open my mind, relax myself, enhance physical quality)。


  3.最后用一句话结束:Well, that’s all about me. Thanks for your attention.


  Good morning/afternoon, dear professors/teachers, I feel so glad to be here for this interview.

  My name is___,___years old, and I come from___province. I major in专业, and four years’ study in___university makes me learn more about knowledge of专业, teamwork spirit and how to get along with others. And now, I hope I could get the chance to finish my postgraduate courses in报考university, which I have desired for a long time.

  I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything. During the past two years, I worked hard to prepare for the postgraduate exam with great perseverance. And at the same time, I am an outgoing person who is active in various activities, and make many friends in university. Facing the obstacles and difficulties in my life, I can overcome them with great confidence, courage and patience.

  In my spare time, I am fond of various sports which can relax myself and build the body. And reading and traveling also attract me most, because I can gain more interesting life experiences and broaden the horizon.

  Well, that’s all about me. Thanks for your attention.


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