

时间:2023-06-08 22:36:52 文/刘莉莉 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com



  Simple to introduce myself my family first. My father is a high school teacher. Mother is a housewife. Home has three children, I am the eldest brother, in under a brother, a younger sister. Brother is in a trade company work, sister is still in school.

  I this year just graduated in politics big law. Enter the lawyer office work is my greatest wish, I hope I can have some achievement in three years and become a lawyer and a little famous. In university of time, I not only academic achievement is admirable, extracurricular activities are I Shared these activities to my personality and interpersonal development has a positive meaning.

  Although I just step into society, but very rich work experience. I worked as a tutor, it very helpful to training my patience and love I have worked as a waiter in a restaurant. This job need CARES actively and carefully, after that I "know that when the waiter is not so easy.

  My career development, I hope I can go the international route. International business is becoming more and more frequent, more and more international litigation is becoming more and more complicated. Which aspects of the talent it less. I hope I can contact with more international aspects of the case, and ultimately become the expert on the subject.


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