

时间:2023-06-10 06:59:45 文/王明刚 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  my name is xxxx, and english name is luky, please note that is luky i/o luck, i'm very vexation that someone always make mistake to call me luck. kindly pay attention on it. i graduated from a senior high school, and major liberal arts 5 years ago. now, i study at china radio and television university jiaoguang guangzhou branch at my own expense, and major english language. but it is still have a year to finish the course and graduate. so i still have to pay one year’s night go to school for study, because i must pay the daytimes for my joy.

  i'm honest, optimistic and conscientious. i’m working in a foreign company at the shipping department over 2 years. i am a shipping clerk with responsibility for imports and export freight transport. booking vessel, arrange the container to pick up the cargo, shipping document and customs arrangement etc…are all my joys. actually, i like my joy.


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