

时间:2023-06-10 17:37:36 文/李盛 自我介绍北考网www.beiweimall.com

  it’s my pleasure to introduce myself to you here. my name is xx, i come from xx which is a beautiful city. and i am a candidate for the position of sales representative.

  i attended nantong university in 20xx. my major is information and computing science and i got my bachelor’s deGREe four years later. i am especially interested in “computer and web”. and in 20xx, i BECame a member of the communist party.

  i am 25 years old, and have had one years working experience in an export company, which i am leaving to look for better opportunities. i have learned a lot about business and mastered basic office skills. in addition, i learned how to cooperate with my colleagues from my previous job. with strong determination, i believe i can succeed in the future.

  the position your company offers is a GREat opportunity for me. i look forward to BEComing part of the action team. thank you.


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