

时间:2023-07-09 13:08:12 文/莉落 资料北考网www.beiweimall.com

  to study english well is a procedure of learning and self-proving.I have a coviction that english-learning is a general way to be a better man.

  first, you must take your time and patience to learn english. so this is the first step to be a successful man. it is said that dilligence is the procedual virture,that is what ever you do, you must work hard.

  second, if you want speak a quiet good oral english,it takes your courage and determiantion to speak it out either with a native speaker or just your class-mate.

  third,never just doing the exersices given by your teacher. language is a practical career.you will never know your ability until you have try it in the practice. someday at the airport in U.S, you ask a native speaker a question and he can understand you, meanwhile you can understand him and then i can say you learn english well.


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