

时间:2023-07-14 15:19:06 文/孙小飞 资料北考网www.beiweimall.com

  This morning, in the second class of the art school, the computer teacher told us, "this is the last class of this semester. I am going to send the report card now, so that the name can be picked up." The teacher called for a lot of people but didn't call me because I was in second grade and everyone was in first grade and third grade. Of course I wasn't the last one to be called.

  Suddenly, I heard the teacher call my name, and I ran to get the report card, I look, ah! Optimal. I'm so happy.

  Then, with a popular vote, I got a second place, and the teacher rewarded me with a pencil-box.

  I wrote a perfect period for a semester of computer classes.


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