

时间:2023-06-08 18:21:06 文/秦风学 中考北考网www.beiweimall.com


1. —Who's Jimmy?


A .He's my friendB .He's niceC .His pen is redD .He's in Beijing

2. Her mother's ______is her grandmother.

A .fatherB .grandmaC .grandpaD .mother.

3. Lily has______ sister. Her name is Helen.

A .aB .anC .theD ./


1. 改错。

What this in English?


2. 改错。

It's ruler in English.


3. 改错。

— What's this?

— This is a pen.



1. 阅读理解

My name is Mary. This is my family tree. Those are my grandparents. Their names are Henry and Linda Brown. These are my parents. Their names are Bill and Grace Brown. This is my uncle. His name is John. That boy is my brother. His name is Tony. This is Susan. She is my uncle's daughter.

(1) Mary's brother is _______.

A .SusanB .JohnC .TonyD .Linda

(2) Bill is John's_______.

A .fatherB .brotherC .uncleD .son

(3) Henry is Susan's _______.

A .fatherB .grandfatherC .uncleD .grandmother

(4) Grace is Susan's ______.

A .sisterB .motherC .auntD .grandmother

(5) Tony and Mary are Susan's______.

A .brothersB .sistersC .cousinsD .friends

2. 根据材料内容判断正误。

    I'm Ken, My last name is Green. My telephone number is 875-0987. Peter is my cousin. He is 9. Paul is my good friend.

    My name is Mary Brown. My phone number is 824-9564. My friend is Alice. She is 8. Her telephone number is 634-0965.

    I am John Smith. Here is my computer (电脑). My QQ number is 56732456. And my phone number is 637-9837.

(1) Mary's last name is Brown.

(2) Alice is 8.

(3) Paul is Peter's cousin.

(4) Ken's telephone number is 824-9564.

(5) John's QQ number is 56732456.

3. 阅读理解

My name is Helen. I'm seven. Dale is my brother. He's nine. We are students. My mother is a teacher. She is an English teacher. She is a teacher in our (我们的) school. My father is a teacher in the school, too. I have a dog. Its name is Ben. We are good friends.

(1) Dale and Helen are_______.

A .brother and sisterB .friendsC .sistersD .teachers

(2) Dale's mother is _________.

A .an English teacherB .a Chinese teacherC .a studentD .nine

(3) Ben is the name of _________.

A .Dale's sisterB .Helen's dogC .Helen's motherD .Dale's father

(4) Helen is ________.

A .an English teacherB .fiveC .a studentD .eleven

(5) Dale, Helen and their mother are________.

A .in the same (相同的) schoolB .studentsC .teachersD .friends


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