

时间:2023-06-19 06:55:10 文/王明刚 语录北考网www.beiweimall.com


  1.Since I rarely hug, I’m relying on your expertise as to the duration.我不怎么抱人,要抱多久就听你的。

  2.You know, the more I think about it, the Mobster Sauce couldn’t possibly contain chunks of mobster. It was listed under Seafood.知道不,我越想越觉得强盗酱里不可能包含丰富的强盗肉。它被归在海鲜里。

  3.I’ve seen the [w]underbelly of Pasadena, this so-called City of Roses and it haunts me. Ah, the injustice. I lie here awake, tormented, while out there evil lurks. Probably playing Donkey Kong on my Classic Nintendo.[/w]我目睹了帕萨迪纳市的阴暗面,这座所谓的玫瑰之城,如今阴魂不散,罪恶横行,毫无正义。我被痛苦折磨,辗转反侧,而邪恶四处潜伏在外,可能正霸占我的经典任天堂玩大金刚呢。

  4.My new computer came with Windows 7. Windows 7 is much more user friendly than Windows Vista. I don’t like that.我的新电脑装了温7系统。温7比维斯塔更容易上手嘛。这我可不喜欢。

  5.I don’t need sleep, I need answers. I need to determine where, in this swamp of unbalanced formulas, squatteth the toad of truth.我不需要睡眠,我需要答案。我要找出在这个充满不平衡方程的沼泽中是什么阻碍了真理的蛤蟆。

  6.Don’t be absurd, that’s in Washington. You know I can’t live in a city laid out in a hub and spoke pattern.你傻的啊,那可在华盛顿。满大街车声嘈杂的.城市我可待不了,你又不是不知道。

  7.I asked myself, what is the most mind-numbing, pedestrian job conceivable and three answers came to mind: Toll booth attendant, Apple Store Genius and what Penny does. Now, since I don’t like touching other people’s coins, and I refuse to contribute to the deva luation of the word Genius – here I am.我问我自己,我能想到最讨厌最沉闷的工作是什么,有三个答案浮现在脑海中:收费站工作人员,在苹果专卖店工作的天才还有佩妮的工作。现在,既然我不喜欢碰别人手里的硬币,也不想帮着“抹黑'天才这个词,所以我来了。

  8.There’s an economic concept known as a Positional Good in which an object is only valued by the possessor because its not possessed by others. The term was coined in 1976 by economist Fred Hirsch to replace the more colloquial but less precise ‘neener-neener’.在经济学里有种概念被称为地位商品,他只有在持有人手中才能彰显其价值因为其他人无法拥有。这个词由经济学弗烈德.赫希杜撰于1976年用来取代更口语化但并不准确的”哦耶~哦耶"。

  9.Help me out. Which ski cap says après-super-collider?帮我参考一下,哪顶滑雪帽比较像超级对撞机?

  10.I’ve lived up to my commitments under the agreement. At least once a day I ask how you are, even though I simply don’t care. I no longer stage spontaneous biohazard drills after 10 pm, and I abandoned my goal to master Tuvan throat singing.我一直遵守着协议里的所有义务。每天至少问候你一次,即使我一点都不在意。我没有在晚上十点后进行生物危害演习了,我也放弃学习图瓦喉唱了。


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