

时间:2023-06-12 09:28:05 文/张东东 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


Miss Wu:Can I help you?

Li Gang:Yes,I'd like to return this book,please.

Miss Wu:1 ______.

Li Gang:No,I couldn’t read it.I had a hard time reading a few pages,and then I decided to give up.

Miss Wu:2 ______.

Li Gang:It wasn’t the language.It was the words.They are too small for me.

Miss Wu:3______.What call I do for you then?

Li Gang:Well,Pd be glad if you could find me another book.

Miss Wu:4______.

Li Gang:Yes,but one with bigger words.

Miss Wu:5_____.

Li Gang:Oh,Oliver Twist.This one is fine.And the words arc much bigger.Thank you very much

Miss Wu:You’re welcome.

A.What about this one?

B.Did you enjoy the book?

C.Another English storybook?

D.Yes,they arc really small.

E.Oh? But I know you are good at English.


A: Eliza, are you free this Sunday?

B:6. .What?s up?

A: I want to go to the countryside with my classmates.

B: 7. ?

A:I?d like to catch some insects.There is a biology competition next month. B: A: Of course ,I do.Biology is my favorite,don?t you know? 9. ?

B:My favorite subject is painting.But I ?m more and more interested in biology. 10 ?

A:Sure,you can.Shall we meet here ,at8:00 am on Sunday morning?

B: OK .See you then.


A: 11. ?

B: My last weekend was very wonderful. We went to a primary school in the countryside. A: 12. ?

B: By bike. There is no bus going there.

A: 13. ?

B: I taught the children English.Oh, many adults went to visit us ,too .

A: 14 ?

B: Yes,a lot of things like storybooks,basketballs and footballs. They were for the children.

A: B: When we got back,it was getting dark.We were tired but happy.I hope I can have another opportunity to do the same things.


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