

时间:2023-06-05 13:42:44 文/张东东 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


(John wants to invite Sue and Judy to see a film. He is calling Sue …)

Sue. Hello!

John. Hello ! May I speak to Sue ?

Sue .This is Sue speaking ._____1_____

John,This is John.

Sue. Hi , John. How are you ?

John.Fine, thank you.and you?

Sue. I’m OK.What’up?


Sue. Yes, I’m free.

John. I’ve got three tickets for a film this Saturday evening. I’d like to invite you and Judy to see the film. Would you like to go with me ?


John. Great! By the way, do you have Judy’s telephone number?

Sue. Yes.


Sue. Sure. I’ll call her as soon as possible. When and where shall we meet ?

John. ______5_____________

Sue. OK. Let’s meet at 5.00 pm at the cinema.

John. All right.See you then.

Sue. See you.



Bob. Speaking!

Amy. I’m calling to thank you for your present.


Amy. Very much. It is a beautiful sweater. Ireally like the color.

Bob. By the way, you look wonderful at the party.

Amy. Thank you ! I really enjoyed it. _____3_______

Bob. Oh, I went to the History Museum.

Amy. ____4________

Bob. Well, I saw many old inventions on show.

Amy. Wow! Are there any new inventions?

Bob. Yes, many more ! ____5_______

Amy. Sounds great.


A :Hi,Tom.Could you go to the movies with me tonight? A new American movie will

be on

and it?s very popular in China.

B: 1

A: What has happened?

B: 2. .And I have to do my geography project first. A: You?ve seen it ?3. ?

B: It?s quite exciting.There are many famous stars in it .

A: 4. ?

B: I saw it last month.

A: But it?s the first time that the movie will be shown in China.Oh, I see. 5. ?

B: Yes,I am.I came here from the USA only last week.


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