

时间:2023-06-12 05:13:23 文/莉落 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


初三年级英语听力 听力测试专项练习(七)


1.When is Jack's father's birthday?

A.This Sunday. B.This Thursday. C.This Saturday.

2.What are they going to do for Jack's father's birthday?

A.They're going to have a party.

B.They're going to have a picnic.

C.They're going to have a big dinner.


3.What are the man and woman doing?

A.They are talking on the phone.

B.They are having their summer holiday.

C.They are watching the weather report.

4.What's the weather like in Sanya now?

A.Hot and dry. B.Hot and wet. C. Wet and cool.

5.Where are Mike's family going to spend their holiday?

A.In Guangdong. B. In Guangxi. C. In Hainan.


6.Why hasn't Amy done her Maths homework yet?

A.Because it's too difficult for her.

B.Because she Wants to wait for Daniel.

C.Because she wants to watch TV first.

7.Where are Daniel and Amy going to do their homework together after school?

A.At Daniel's home. B.At Amy's home. C.In the classroom

8.When are they going to meet after school?

A.At four o'clock. B.At five o'clock. C. At six o'clock.

9.How much of the English project has Daniel done?

A.Most of it. B.None of it. C.A bit of it.

10.What are they going to do after they finish their homework?

A.They are going to watch TV.

B.They are going to the cinema.

C.They are going to play table tennis.

听第9段材料,回答1 6~20题。

11.Where are Jim and Kate now?

A In America. B.In England. C. In Australia.

12.How long have they been in that country?

A. For one year. B. For two years. C. For three years.

13.How many languages can Jim and Kate speak?

A.Three. B.Four. L. Five.

14 Which country are the Greens going to return to?

A.England. B.Japan. C. Japan.

15 Why are Jim and Kate very happy?

A.Because they won't have to move any more.

B Because they will go to another new country.

C.Because they can see their friends all over the world.



1.Who is making a telephone?

A.Jack is calling Betty.B.Betty is phoning Jack.

C.Becky is ringing Tom my up.D.Tom is phoning Lucy.

2.What is Betty doing in Sydney?

A.She’s on business.B.She’s on foot.

C.She’s on watch.D.She’s on holiday.

3.What’s the weather like in Sydney at that time?

A.It’s sunny.B.It’s windy.C.It’s raining.D.It’s cloudy.

4.Is it very hot there?

A.Yes,it is.B.No,it’s cold.

C.No,it’s very cool.D.No,it’s quite warm.

5.Why didn’t she enjoy herself?

A.Her best friend wasn’t there.B.She lost her handbag there.

C.The weather there was terrible.D.Becky didn’t go there with her.


1.Robert is planning to buy _______.

2.Susan is Robert’s _______.

3.They hope to _______ every day.

4.If Robert wants to have more money,he must _______ or _______.


1.What did Peter and Anna go to do after supper?

2.Where did they have dinner?

3.How did the good man get to the foreign country?

4.Whom did the good man meet in the hotel where his friend lived?

5.Why didn’t the good man get a message from his friend?


1.Why was Ms.Fox late for work that day?

A.She got up late.B.She would catch up with the bus.

C.The alarm-clock didn’t work.D.There is som ething wrong with her bike.

2.Where was Ms.Fox’s car keys?

A.In her desk.B.In her coat pocket.

C.Under her bed.D.In a basket.

3.How did Ms.Fox feel that day?

A.Very dangerous.B.Very tired.

C.Quite exciting.D.Rather frightened.

4.In how much time should Ms.Fox finish the work?

A.Before 12 o’clock.B.In an hour.

C.Before 9:30.D.In three hours.

5.Why did Ms.Fox begin to laugh?

A.Som eone was helping her with her work.

B.She found there was a ticket on her desk.

C.Her car keys are lying on her desk.

D.She found herself wearing different kinds of shoes.


I. 情景反应

根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的应答语,每小题读两遍。(共5小题, 每小题1分)

1. A. I’d love to. B. With pleasure . C. It’s my pleasure

2. A. Sorry. B. That's right C. It doesn't matter.

3. A. It was sunny B. It is Sunday. C. It’s hot in summer.

4. A. See you later. B. Excuse me. C. Yes, please.

5. A. Good luck. B. I can’t stand it. C. I'll try it.

Ⅱ. 对话理解


6. A. Buy the sofa B. Buy some chairs C. Pay less for the sofa

7. A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Classmates.

8. A. He missed the movie. B. He was late for the movie.

C. He didn’t like the movie.

9. A. At 6:00. B. At 8:00. C. At 10:00.

10. A. They are talking about fish B. They are going fishing.

C. They are having dinner.听第一段长对话,完成11-12小题

11. A. She was ill. B. She lost her way C. She was stressed out.

12. A. Because she lost her money.. B. Because she had no money..

C. Because she left her money at home.


13. A. At home . B. At a cinema

. C. At a shop.

14. A. One bag . B. Two bags. C. One bottle.

15. A. Four . B. Five. C. Three.

Ⅲ. 短文理解

根据你听到的短文的内容及问题选择正确答案,短文及问题各读两遍。(共5小题, 每小题1分)

16. A. He starts school

B. He goes to school by bus every day

C He helps his mother cook in the kitchen

17. A. She was helping Dick with his homework.

B. She was watching TV in her room.

C. She was doing some housework.

18. A To do his homework. B. To wash some apples. C. To call his father back.

19. A. The smallest one B. The biggest one C. The nicest one

20. A. He is a rude boy. B. He is a careless boy. C. He is a polite boy.


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