

时间:2023-06-07 22:49:06 文/李盛 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


Instead of saying "I don't have time" try saying "it's not a priority" and see how that feels. Often that's a perfectly adequate explanation. I have time to iron my sheets, I just don't want to. But other things are harder. Try it:


"I'm not going to edit your resume, sweetie, because it's not a priority."


"I don't go to the doctor because my health is not a priority."


If these phrases don't sit well, that's the point. Changing our language reminds us that time is a choice. If we don't like how we're spending an hour, we can choose differently.



It was many years ago. I was a young dad sitting on the couch reading a fairy tale to my little girl. She sat next to me with her head on my arm as I told the tale. When it came to the end I finished with those famous words: "And they lived happily ever after." As I looked over to her with her wavy, brown hair and big, innocent eyes I could see the smile on her face and I never wanted it to end. It dawned on me then that the ending of the book was what I wanted for her. I wanted her to "live happily ever after."


Still, deep in my heart I knew that this couldn't always be so. I knew that there would be times when her heart was broken. I knew there would be times when she cried in grief and I couldn't comfort her. I knew there would be times when all she felt was fear, sadness, sorrow, and despair. As I stroked her hair and smiled at her I hoped that those times would be brief and that she would have joy in her life more often than not. Living happily ever after, though, seemed out of the question.


It took me a lot of years to realize that it IS possible to live happily ever after. You just have to do it "one day at a time." Happiness you see isn't some reward that you get at the end of your journey. Happiness isn't something dependent on what life hands you. Happiness is something you create in your life choice by choice and day by day.


The truth is happiness comes when you love. Love is a gift from God. It is love that mends broken hearts. It is love that heals grief. It is love that gives us joy. Choose to "live happily ever after, one day at a time."



丹尼尔: Good evening! Long time no see, how are you?

晚上好! 好久不见.还好吗?

苏珊: Good evening! I`m fine, how about you, beauty?


丹尼尔: Thanks for God! I am fine too.


苏珊: How did you spend your spring festival?


丹尼尔: Aha, it is a long story!


苏珊: I`m willing to listen to you.


丹尼尔: Ok! Actually, I have a wonderful holiday. I spend most of the time with my family members and friends.


苏珊: That sounds great!


丹尼尔: How about your spring festival?


苏珊: I had visited some relatives and spend some time watching TV and surfing internet.


丹尼尔: It seems that both of us are satisfied with our spring festival.


苏珊: Quite right.


丹尼尔: It`s time to say goodbye. See you!


苏珊: See you!



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