

时间:2023-06-16 14:19:47 文/王明刚 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


Unit 12 section A

一.A)1.has 2.are watching 3.playing 4.did 5.bought (B) 6.fight 7.outside 8.classroom

9.else 10.hall


三.1Can eat 2.Come to 3.No don’t 4.Don’t listen 5.other things

四 1. thoes rules 2.sports shoes 3.arrive late for 4.in the dining hall 5.at classroom outside


Section B

一.(A)1. on 2.to 3. from to 4.at on 5.in by at (B) 6.children 7.talking 8.any 9.her 10.speaking 二.1~5. DCABC 6~10. CDADD

三.1.Do have to 2.Don’t run 3.Can play 4.have fun 5. can’t have to

四.1.Do you usually help your mom make dinner?

2.Don’t talk loudly in the classrooms!

3.I have to go to bed by 10 o’clock.

4.Do have to go to the Children’s Palase to learn the paino?

5.Can you meet friends at night?

五.1~5.CABDA 6~10CBDCA

5.Can you meet friends at night?

五.1~5.CABDA 6~10CBDCA


一.A)1.has 2.are watching 3.playing 4.did 5.bought (B) 6.fight 7.outside 8.classroom 9.else 10.hall


三.1Can eat 2.Come to 3.No don’t 4.Don’t listen 5.other things

四 1. thoes rules 2.sports shoes 3.arrive late for 4.in the dining hall 5.at classroom outside


Section B

一.(A)1. on 2.to 3. from to 4.at on 5.in by at (B) 6.children 7.talking 8.any 9.her 10.speaking

二.1~5. DCABC 6~10. CDADD

三.1.Do have to 2.Don’t run 3.Can play 4.have fun 5. can’t have to

四.1.Do you usually help your mom make dinner?

2.Don’t talk loudly in the classrooms!

3.I have to go to bed by 10 o’clock.

4.Do have to go to the Children’s Palase to learn the paino?

5.Can you meet friends at night?

五.1~5.CABDA 6~10CBDCA

六.Welcome to School Library

2.Don’t take your food into the libray or eat in here .


4.Three weeks

5.If you lost them,you have to play for them-------either pay money for them or buy the some books. 1. across 2.hospital 3.magazines 4.camera 5. snows

二.1. us 2. friendly 3.begining 4.Children’s 5. surprised

三.1~5 BBCCC 6~10 CDDBA 11~15.DDCCC

四.1.aren’t any 2.Does have 3.What does 4.Why do 5.What does 6.What’s doing 7.is doing 8.does do 9.What’s like 10.having a good time

五.1.What are you doing 2.Do you have a pen pal 3.Where does she from 4.Are there any famous animals 5.What’s the weather in Australia


七.BCBAC 6.David is 12 years old 7.Beause it can make him get up early to take exercise 8.Three 9.香水10.On the table


一、1.gate 2.underground 3.plane 4.train 5.ship

二、1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D

三、1.B 2.C 3.E 4.A 5.D

四、1.How about 2.How does 3.No;doesn‘t 4.for school 5.by underground


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