

时间:2023-06-07 04:20:09 文/刘莉莉 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com



( )1. This dog can________him.

A. help

B. to help

C. helps

( ) 2. He only wants ________.

A. play

B. to play

C. plays

( ) 3. There ________a fire.

A. are

B. were

C. was

( ) 4. The people were ________.

A. safety

B. safe

C. safely

( ) 5. There’s a TV________about dogs.

A. showing

B. show

C. to show

( ) 6. Fifi________ speak then.

A. couldn’t

B. can’t

C. can

( ) 7. In England, many blind people have a________ dog

A. specials

B. specially

C. special

( ) 8. There ________enough time.

A. are

B. aren’t

C. isn’t

( ) 9. He can’t do it . He only________to play

A. want

B. wants

C. wanted

( ) 10. There ________two desks and a computer before

A. are

B. were

C. is

( ) 11. We used to cook ________a fire

A. in

B. for

C. with

( ) 12. The bird________speak

A. cann’t

B. cans

C. can’t

( ) 13. She couldn’t ________then

A. speaks

B. speak

C. to speak

( ) 14. They________the blind people yesterday’

A. helped

B. help

C. helps

五年级上册《It's mine!》同步练习








7.shoe (复数)________

8.short (反义词)________

9.me (主格)________

10.dry (反义词)________


( ) 1. 这是我的

A. It’s me!

B. It’s mine!

( ) 2. 怎么了?

A. What’s the matter?

B. How is it?

( ) 3.艾米的蓝色连衣裙湿了。

A. Amy’s blue skirt is dirty

B. Amy’s blue dress is wet

( ) 4.这个包是她的。

A. This bag is his

B. This bag is hers

( ) 5. 这是谁的包?

A. Who’s it?

B. Whose bag is it?


( ) 1. It’s ________!

A. my

B. mine

C. I

( ) 2. It isn’t ________, Sam. It’s mine.

A. you

B. your

C. yours

( ) 3. What’s ________matter?

A. an

B. the

C. /

( ) 4. But both your red T-shirt ________there.

A. be

B. is

C. are

( ) 5. ________T-shirt is it?

A. Who

B. Who’s

C. Whose

( ) 6. Children________running home.

A. is

B. am

C. are



1、许多出租车司机 ___________________ 2、听音乐_______________________

3、一只猴子面具______________________ 4、在每周六_____________________

5、买一些东西________________________ 6、look young____________________

7、Helen and her parents_____________ 8、have a Music lesson____________

9、the clock on the wall _________________

10、play basketball with their friends________________________________


1、 你喜欢游泳吗?不, 我喜欢跳舞。


2、 你喜欢做一架飞机模型吗?是的,我喜欢。


3、 我喜欢桃子。我也是。


4、 他们喜欢在下课后玩游戏。


5、 你会弹钢琴吗?不, 但是我会演奏吉他。



1、___________ is the toy car? Its 100 yuan.

2、___________ do you like? I like skating.

3、___________ flowers are there in the vase? There are eighteen.

4、___________ can you do? I can make a puppet.

5、___________ is your new sweater? Its white.

6、___________ is on the wall? There are some pictures.

7、___________ are the cakes? They are in the fridge.

8、___________ book is this? Its Bettys.

9、___________ is the man in black? Hes my father.

10、__________ are you? Im eleven.


1、Li Lei and Lin Tao _________ ( be ) good friends.

2、Are there __________ ( some ) plates on the table?

3、This is ___________ ( Helen ) toy doll.

4、What do you like? I like ___________ ( tiger ).

5、I like ___________ ( play ) table tennis very much.


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