

时间:2023-06-08 14:30:07 文/孙小飞 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


People give all kinds of reasons for why they started smoking, but none of them are good — not even supposedly altruistic ones.

While some claim that you’re actually saving our overburdened healthcare system money in the long run by smoking because it reduces life expectancy, it’s nowhere near a watertight argument.

First of all, you’re certainly not doing your family and friends a favor by deliberately lowering your life expectancy. In fact, your family will have to absorb the losses incurred when you miss work due to smoking-related illnesses. Second, there is a lot of debate over the best way to measure the economic costs of smoking.

Every study is based on different assumptions, and uses different data and methods. For example, should you measure the cost of smoking by looking at the cost of treating major illnesses like lung cancer and heart disease, or should you also measure the cost of less serious illnesses? Should you take into account the fact that people who live longer also pay more taxes and insurance premiums? Should you look at the overall cost to the healthcare system, or at the cost per individual?

Anyway, regardless of how you calculate them, the economic costs of smoking are inconsequential when compared to smoking’s real price: the misery caused by the deaths of over 400,000 people each year and the illnesses of several million.








Saving the World from Asteroids

Okay, so there’s an asteroid heading toward the Earth. What do we do? Does our future really rest in the hands of Hollywood, Bruce Willis and a ragtag team of miners like in the movie Armageddon?

Early Warning

Sure, we could wait until danger is imminent and then hope that a well placed nuclear explosion would shatter or deflect the monster asteroid threatening humanity, but is this our only option? The answer is that it depends on how big the asteroid is, how far away it is, and How much time we have before impact?

Because there’s lots of space debris out there, odds are that the threatening object won’t be one of the giant Earth-destroying asteroids that NASA is already tracking, but a smaller meteoroid capable of causing regional devastation.

With enough warning, though, we could crash a robotic spacecraft into the object and change its trajectory so that it’ll sail by Earth. We know we have the technology for this, because NASA has already successfully rammed a spacecraft into a comet to study the comet’s composition.


There are also rare instances when space objects pass close by several years before returning on a collision course with Earth. Here even a tiny change in trajectory during the first pass would result in big payoff later. In these cases, we could use a spacecraft’s mass and gravitational field to nudge the space object off course without shattering it and creating potentially dangerous fragments.

Obviously, early warning is key, which is why NASA has issued a grand challenge to scientists in various disciplines, institutions and agencies to work together to uncover ways of detecting, characterizing and interacting with asteroids. Because when it comes to the future of the Earth, Bruce Willis can only do so much.


Musical Mammals

Think humans are the only creatures capable of grooving to a beat? Think again. Turns out a growing number of animals are just as musically inclined.

Beyond Parrots

Now, you may already know that parrots and other birds that mimic human speech are also good at keeping time to a musical beat. Scientists think it’s a side effect of repeating human speech sounds.

But researchers have found that both sea lions and bonobos are also capable of bopping to a beat. Researchers beat a drum at around 280 beats per minute and found that bonobos were able to pick up the beat and play it on a specially designed drum.

Now, given that bonobos are closely related to humans, their rhythmic ability might not sound very surprising. In the wild, bonobos are known to beat on hollow trees. But sea lions are a different story they’re not known to follow or pick up a beat.

So it was surprising when researchers working with a sea lion they named Ronan were able to train her to bob her head in time to different tempos.

More Widespread

Beyond the fact that teaching a sea lion to groove to a beat is pretty cool, it also suggests that the ability may be much more widespread in the animal kingdom than we’ve assumed, and that keeping time to a beat is not limited to animals able to mimic human speech.

So we may not yet be at the point where we’ll see rock bands with seals or apes on drums, but when it comes to music, humans and other animals appear to have more in common than meets the eye.











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