

时间:2023-06-16 17:57:40 文/张东东 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


一、 B --- A --- A --- B --- C

二、 A --- B --- A --- A --- B

三、 2 --- 1 --- 5 --- 4 --- 3

一、 D --- C --- B --- A --- D

二、 have --- was --- about --- and --- in

三、 go --- ffice --- ragon --- ist --- mail

四、 A --- B --- C --- B --- A

五、 1. It’s too big for you .

2. She had sausages and eggs .(sausages和eggs可换位置)

3. Where are you going to go ?

4. It’s in the north of China .

5. Sam ate six hamburgers .

六、E ---- C ---- B ---- D ---- A

七、× --- × --- ∨--- × --- ∨


(A)6—10 BCCAA (B) 11—15 ACBAA

(A) 16—20 FFTFT (B) 21—25 CBCEA

26.China 27.July 28.twin 29.keeps 30.Sometimes

(A) 31—35 CBAED

(B) 36.farmer 37.eraser 38.rainbow 39.ducks 40.juice

(C) 41.打排球 42.听音乐 43.在那边 44.in the classroom 45.go to school

46—50 CCBAC 51—55 CCCAB

(A) 56—60 ACBCB (B) 61—65 DBFAC

66. large 67.parents 68.often 69.have 70.in

(A) 71—75 TFTFF

(B) 76.Barby is a dog.



1. 看一看2.教师节3.给你4、three ball pens


1.e 一支钢笔2.u 一把直尺3.a e 一支圆珠笔4.a一个笔袋 5.oo 一个书签 6.e 一本笔记本

三、A F E C B D

四、come in bookmark ruler pen Here you are pencil case rubber red notebook

五、a book May pencil rubber for

六、I come May copybook for you May I for you are Goodbye

七、Her your my his His

八、Come in Good morning This for you card card Goodbye

九.1.May I have that ball pen for David?

2.This notebook is for Yang Ling.

Exercise two

一.1.an 熊猫2.ay蜡笔3.on 猴子4.io 狮子5.te 笔记本6.oo a 书签7.le 直尺8.en 铅笔

二、this dresses she thin u photos

三、1.X故事书2.X 手表3.√4.X 书签

5.X 狮子6.X 钢笔7. √8.X 可爱的

四、cars her play swimming mangoes Teachers’ your pandas

五.A C A B C

六、1.多么可亲爱2.再见3.我明白4.多么好看的一个玩具熊猫5.过来6.in a toy shop7.this pencil 8、that pencil case 9、my purse 10.her ruler

七、C F D A G H E B

八、1.That is a cat.

2.Is your rubber?

3.This nootbook is for Liu Tao.Ok.

4.Can I have a look?Sure,here you are.

九.Can May like nice for think



1. brush 2. try 3. go 4. have

5 make 6. swim 7. live 8. get


1. 刷牙___________________ 2. 穿衣服___________________ 3. 铺床____________________

4. 上床睡觉___________________5. 起床___________________ 6. 去上学___________________

7. 去哪儿 ___________________ 8. 赶紧,匆忙___________________

三. 选择填空

1.Sandy is baseball. A, play B. playing C, plays

2 Sometimes I to school by bike . A。go B.going C .to go

3. Does she up at six ?A. get B, getting C. gets

4, I take the subway home . A。 go B。going C.to go

5. your mom like cooking ? A. Is B. Do C. Does

6. Look, she dressed. A. getting B, gets C, is getting

7. He doesn’t his teeth every day . A.brushing B. brush C.brushes

8. likes making the bed . A, Jenny B. I C, We

9. Does she have a camera? No, she A do B. isn’t C doesn’t

10.I go to bed nine. A. in B. at C. to

四 .连词成句并译成汉语

1. you , go , what , do , to , time , school


2. at . gets , Lisa , up . nine , twenty


3. on , what , do , do , Sunday you


4, what , you , are , doing


5. waiting , am , downstairs . I


6.making , in , she , the , her , is , bed , room


7. hurry , school , to , let , up , us


8. we , do , any , class, ,on , Saturday , not , have



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